
Ra 1175

Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 754. No diktyon: 67385.
s. X in. | Parchment, 395 ff., 350 × 255 mm  Agati, p. 43: 355 × 365, 1 col., 35 lines per page  Special type of ruling (Leroy 60B1 ps, cf. Agati). | Minuscule (Digraphic script, mainly minuscule, partly majuscule)  cf. Agati, p. 44; Orsini, p. 65; Majuscule (Majuscule letters used as Auszeichnungsschrift for headings and Hexaplaric scholia); Minuscule (Minuscule slightly inclined to the right with a rather fast cursive ductus). | Provenance: Listed in the Vatican inventory of 1548 as Nr. 186.
Catena in Psalms and Odes. Preceded by patristic texts. | Psalms surrounded by marginal Catena commentary („Rahmenkatene“), that belongs to Catena Typus XIX Karo-Lietzmann (CPG C 32) and is called Catena Athanasiana. This type is also transmitted in Ra 187, 1055, 1139, 1735, and Ra 1813. Psalm 151 without commentary. Odes provided with Catena commentary (biblical text in Majuscule, commentary in Minuscule; sequence of Odes: 1–9. 13. 11–12. 14). The first folios, containing different prologues to the Psalter, are in disorder (correct order, which has been virtually reconstructed: ff. 1–4. 7–10. 5–6. 26. 19–24. 27. 32. 29–31. 34–36. 33. 11. 25. 15–18. 28. 14. 12–13. 37–395). The ms. has been used e.g. by Rondeau, et al., for the edition of the Psalter scholia of Euagrius Ponticus, and by Bandt, et al., for the edition of the Psalter prologues of Origen and Eusebius (Ms. V). On the Seven editions of Scripture (f. 28r–v), incl. the treatise on Lucian of Antioch (f. 28v), cf. Albrecht, 120–122. The Catena of Psalms contains Hexaplaric readings and was already evaluated by Montfaucon (however, for Ps 1–16 only; the Hexaplaric readings of Ps 17–150 were edited in 1784 by Adler) The Hexaplaric readings were consequently adapted by Field for his edition of the Hexaplaric fragments.Collation: Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters (Psalm 1–151); Montfaucon (Hexaplaric readings); Field (Hexaplaric readings); Digitale kritische Edition von den Expositiones in Psalmos des (Ps) Athanasius von Alexandrien (Uta Heil, Sebastiano Panteghini) (Catena text Ps 1–10, Hexaplaric readings Ps 1–10); Risch (Eusebius Ps 101–150).
1r–2v missing
3r–8r Inscriptiones et initia Psalmorum
8r–8v Inscriptiones et initia Canticorum
8v–9r Inscriptiones aliae
9r Iosippus Christianus, Libellus memorialis 120 ed. PG 106, 121-123. Repeated in several contexts, e.g. Theodoret of Cyrus, ed. PG 84, 32
9r–12v Origenes, In Psalmos, attributed to Eusebius CPG 1425-1429
9v Origenes, De divisione Psalterii ed. TU 183, 30-31
10r–10v Origenes, Definitiones ed. TU 183, 66-69
10v–11r Origenes, De divisione Psalmorum ed. TU 183, 38-49
11v–12r Origenes, De diapsalmate ed. TU 183, 60-63
12r–12v Origenes, De Psalmis Moysi ed. TU 183, 52-57
12v–15v quomodo arca in Hierusalem translata est et compositum Psalterium
15v–25v Athanasius Alexandrinus, Epistula ad Marcellinum CPG 2097
25v Eusebius, De divisione Psalterii
25v–28r Eusebius, Periochae ed. TU 183, 128-141
28r–28v Ps.-Athanasius Alexandrinus, Synopsis scripturae sacrae CPG 2249, ed. PG 28, 436. Anonymously transmitted in this ms. Repeated in several contexts, e.g. Theodoret of Cyrus, ed. PG 84, 28-32; Iosippus Christianus, Libellus memorialis 122 (ed. PG 106, 123-126)
28v–34r, 36v Gregorius Nyssenus, In inscriptiones Psalmorum CPG 3155
34r–36r Eusebius, Hypomnema de Psalmis, attributed to Origen (incomplete, two folios missing after f. 34v) ed. TU 183, 240-269; cf. Bandt/Risch, p. 397 n. 10; Bandt et al., p. 221 n. 12
36r–36v Iosippus Christianus, Libellus memorialis 73 ed. PG 106, 85-88
037r–356v Ps 1–150 with Catena CPG C 32
356v Ps 151 partly surrounded by the end of the preceding Catena to Ps 150
357r–395v Odes with Catena beginning mutilated
357r–360v Od 1
360v–370r Od 2
370r–372r Od 3
372r–376r Od 4
376r–383r Od 5
383r–385v Od 6
385v–388r Od 7
388r–389v Od 8 (Dan 3:57-88)
389v–392r Od 9
392r–392v Od 13
392v–395r Od 11
395r–395v Od 12
395v Od 14
Adler, J.G.C.: Beiträge zu Montfaucons Hexaplen aus einer Handschrift der Psalmen codex Vaticanus 754, in: Repertorium für Biblische und Morgenländische Litteratur 14 (1784), 183–204 (Hexapla).
Agati, M.L.: "Digrafismo" a Bisanzio. Note e riflessioni sul X secolo, in: Scr. 55 (2001), 34–56, pp. 43–44 with pl. 12 (Paleography).
Albrecht, F.: Von der hebraica veritas zur vera graecitas: Origenes – Hesych – Lukian, in: BN 184 (2020), 105–141 (Prologues).
Bandt, C./Risch, F.X.: Das Hypomnema des Origenes zu den Psalmen. Eine unerkannte Schrift des Eusebius, in: Adamantius 19 (2013), 395–435, p. 397 (Prologues).
Canart, P./Peri, V.: Sussidi bibliografici per i manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Vaticana (StT 261), Rome 1970, p. 482 (Bibliography).
Devreesse, R.: Les anciens commentateurs grecs des Psaumes (StT 264), Rome 1970.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Tome 2 (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense. Études et documents 44), Löwen 1989, pp. 237–281 (Catena).
Follieri, E.: La minuscola libraria dei secoli IX e X, in: Glénisson, J. et al. (eds.): La paléographie grecque et byzantine. Paris 21–25 octobre 1974 (Colloques internationaux du centre national de la recherche scientifique 559), Paris 1977, 139–165, p. 140 (mentioned in a long list of mss. of the 10th cent.) (Paleography).
Kinzig, W.: In search of Asterius. Studies on the Authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms (Forschungen zur Kirchen– und Dogmengeschichte 47), Göttingen 1990, p. 77.
Mercati, G.: Alla ricerca dei nomi degli 'altri' traduttori nelle omilie sui salmi di S. Giovanni Crisostomo e variazioni su alcune catene del salterio (StT 158), Rome 1952, pp. 180–182 (Hexapla).
Mercati, G.: Osservazioni a Proemi del Salterio di Origene, Ippolito, Eusebio, Cirillo Alessandrino e altri con frammenti inediti (StT 142), Rome 1948 (Prologues).
Mühlenberg, E.: Zur Überlieferung des I Psalmenkommentars von Origenes, in: Dummer, J. (ed.): Texte und Textkritik. Eine Aufsatzsammlung (TU 133), Berlin 1987, 447–449.
Orsini, P.: Minuscole greche informali del X secolo, in: Atsalos, B./Tsironi, N. (eds.): Actes du VIe Colloque International de Paléographie Grecque (Drama, 21–27 septembre 2003)/ Πρακτικά του Ϛʹ Διεθνούς Συμποσίου Ελληνικής Παλαιογραφίας (Δράμα, 21–27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003) (Vivlioamphiastis. Annexe/ Βιβλιοαμφιάστης. Παράρτημα 1), Athens 2008, vol. I, 41–70, p. 65 (Paleography).
Richard, M. (ed.): Asterii Sophistae Commentariorum in Psalmos quae supersunt. Accedunt aliquot homiliae anonymae (Symbolae Osloenses. Fasciculi suppletorii 16), Oslo 1956, p. xxiii, n. 40.
Vian, G.M.: I codici vaticani del Commento ai Salmi di Atanasio, in: Vetera Christianorum 13 (1976), 117–128, pp. 120–128.
Vian, G.M.: Il “De psalmorum titulis”. L’esegesi di Atanasio tra Eusebio e Cirillo, in: Orpheus. Rivista di umanità classica e cristiana N.S. 12 (1991), 93–132, pp. 102–103.
Zaganas, D.: Encore sur l’authenticité de l’Hexaéméron d’Anastase le Sinaïte, in: ByZ 110 (2017), 755–778, pp. 760–761.
Cardinali, G.: Inventari di manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Vaticana sotto il pontificato di Giulio II (1503–1513) (StT 491), Rome 2015 (Provenance).
Devreesse, R.: Codices Vaticani Graeci vol. 3, Codices 604–866 (Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae codices manu scripti recensiti iubente Leone XIII Pont. Max.), Rome 1950, pp. 269–271.
Devreesse, R.: Le fonds Grec de la Bibliothèque Vaticane des origines a Paul V (StT 244), Rome 1965, pp. 302. 379. 394 (Provenance).
Inventarium (1533), ed. Devreesse, p. 302 (Nr. 666) (?).
Jean Matal, Index Bibliothecae publicae Grecae (sic!) (1545), ed. Devreesse, p. 379 (Nr. 226 / 19) (?).
Karo G., Lietzmann, H., Catenarum graecarum catalogus, Göttingen 1902 (Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch–historische Klasse), pp. 41. 54–56.
Marcel Cervini, Guillaume Sirleto, Index librorum Graecorum Bibliothecae magnae Vaticanae (1548), ed. Devreesse, p. 394 (Nr. 186).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, p. 256.
Bandt, C. et al. (eds.): Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius (TU 183), Berlin u.a. 2018 (Ms. V).
Risch, F.X. (ed.): Eusebius von Caesarea, Werke Band X, Der Psalmenkommentar. Teil 3: Fragmente zu Psalm 101–150 (GCS NF 32), Berlin et al. 2022, pp. xvii–xviii (Ms. V).
Rondeau, M. et al. (eds.): Évagre le Pontique, Scholies aux Psaumes, I. Psaumes 1–70 (SC 614), Paris 2021.