
Ra 1813

Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, Cod. gr. 27. No diktyon: 58402.
a. 1452  f. 508r | Paper, 495 ff., 280 × 210 mm, 1 col., 31 lines per page. |  Minuscule. | Scribe: Markos Paulopoulos (15th c.)  PLP IX.22084. f. 508r, Subscription in verses..
This manuscript appears to be related to Ra 1218 (cf. CPG C30).
1–187rCatena in Psalmos 1-43, 44-51:3 (CPG C40.23)
187v–475vCatena in Psalmos 51:4-150 (CPG C17)
476v–507vCatena in Odas (CPG C45-C46)
508rἘπίγραμμα εἰς τὸν ψαλτήραν Δα(υί)δ
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