
Ra 1218

Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, CXVIII (108). No diktyon: 70764.
s. XII  According to Gardthausen, the script is dated to the 11th century and imitates an older majuscule. | Parchment; Paper, 214 ff., 220 × 320 mm, 1 col., 45 lines per page. | Minuscule (Comnenian hand (cf. Parpulov)); Minuscule. Giambattista Peretti (1520-1611)  archpriest of San Giovanni in Valle, Verona. | Owners: Scipione Maffei (1675-1755)  After Scipione Maffei's death, the manuscript came into Biblioteca Capitolare (1755).,
Psalms and Odes with Catena. | The codex is defective at its beginning and the end and presents the Psalms, with Catena commentary, followed by the Odes. The psalms are divided into Καθίσματα, indicated by rubricated abbreviations. The Catena contains excerpts from different commentators, such as Athanasius, Didymus, Hesychius, John Chrysostom, Theodoret, etc.; it also provides some hexaplaric notes from Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion. From f. 63, the folios are mixed up. To clarify the correct order, a second modern numbering has been added to the outer corner of the upper margin.Text-type: L.
1– 202v Ps 1-151 f. 28v: Psalm 30 is numbered 29 and corrected by another hand
202v–203v Od 1
203v–207r Od 2
207v–208v Od 3
208v–209v Od 4
209v–210v Od 5
211r–212r Od 6
212r–213r Od 7
213r–214r Οd 8
Adami, C. – Cervati, D. – Faccini, A.– Zivelonghi, G.: I facsimili di Antonio Masotti. Saggi di paleografia e calligrafia, Verona 1996, 160–161.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, III, Leuven 1992, 41–89, 96–103, 512.
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, I, Leuven 1986, 5–6.
Kinzig, W.: In search of Asterius: Studies on the Authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms, Göttingen 1990 (Forschungen zur Kirchen– und Dogmengeschichte Bd. 47), 78, 111.
Kinzig, W.: In search of Asterius: Studies on the Authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms, Göttingen 1990 (Forschungen zur Kirchen– und Dogmengeschichte Bd. 47), 78, 111.
Mühlenberg, E.: Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenüberlieferung, Band III, Berlin–New York 1978, 33.
Parpulov, G.; Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, fig. 19, Appendix B1.
Giuliari, G. B. C.: La Capitolare Biblioteca di Verona, Verona 1883 [repr: 1993], 401.
Karo, G. – Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum graecarum catalogus, Göttingen 1902 (Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch–historische Klasse), 50.
Marchi, S.: I manoscritti della Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona. Catalogo descrittivo redatto da don Antonio Spagnolo, Verona 1996, 209–210.
Mioni, E.: Catalogo di manoscritti greci esistenti nelle biblioteche italiane, T. I, Roma 1965 (Indici e Cataloghi, 20), nr. 231.
Omont, H.: “Les manuscrits grecs de la bibliothèque capitulaire et de la bibliothèque communale de Vérone”, Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 8 (1891) 489–497, 490.
Rahlfs , A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), 331.