
Ra 187

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Coislin10. No diktyon: 49152.
s. X | Parchment, 355 ff., 380 × 270 mm  380 × 270 (Rahlfs), 390 × 280 (Devreesse), 1 col., 35–37 lines per page. | Minuscule (Scholarly hand, which is inclined to the right)  Catena; Majuscule (similar to the Alexandrian majuscule)  Psalms. | Provenance: Lavra Monastery (Athos). | Owner: Pierre Séguier († 1672)  Séguier acquired this manuscript from the Cypriot priest Athanasios, who travelled to the Orient during the years 1643–1653 and collected several manuscripts for Séguier and Mazarin. See Omont, Missions, 856.
Catena on the Psalms. | Ps 85:16–86:4, 97:6–98:6, 118:126–132 and 158–161 are lacking. The catena contains many excerpts from Theodoret, as well as excerpts from Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Hesychius, Apollinaris of Laodicea, Didymus the Blind, Cyril of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil of Caesarea, Jerome and Theodore of Mopsuestia. The manuscript also records hexaplaric notes and it has been used by Montfaucon for his edition of Origen’s Hexapla, see Montfaucon (1715: 58). | Text-type: L.
1r–355v Catena on the Psalms 7:15–118:165 CPG C32, C34, C40.5; Catena type XIX (Karo-Lietzmann)
Dorival, G.: Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes: contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire, IV, Leuven 1995, 466–504.
Karo, G., Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum graecarum catalogus (Nachrichten der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch–historische Klasse), Göttingen 1902, 54–55. 
Montfaucon, B.: Hexaplorum Origenis quae supersunt, Tomus I, Parisiis 1713. 
Omont, H.: “Missions archéologiques françaises en Orient aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles”, Collection de documents inédits sur l'Histoire de France Partie 2, Paris 1902, 856. 
Devreesse, R.: Catalogue des manuscrits grecs. II, le fonds Coislin, Paris 1962, 9. 
Montfaucon, B.: Bibliotheca Coisliniana, olim Segueriana, Parisiis 1715, 57–58. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 186.