Membership and Subscription

Membership in IOSCS is available to any individual upon payment of the annual membership dues. Membership includes a subscription to the Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies.

The membership fee structure as of 3 April 2019 is as follows. (Amounts are in US dollars.)

Institutions that wish to subscribe to the Journal should contact our publisher, Peeters Publishing directly.

Our publisher is Peeters Publishing. You can send membership dues through PayPal to our treasurer, Natia Mirotadze. Instructions for paying through PayPal follow.

  1. Point your web browser to PayPal.
  2. Either log into your PayPal account or (if you don't yet have an account) sign up.
  3. Follow a link to Pay & Get Paid (or Pay or send money and then Pay for goods and services).
  4. You'll see a blank to identify your payee. Use the following email address:
  5. Click the "Next" button.
  6. Fill in your membership dues ($30 for regular members, $20 for students and retired members, $15 for unemployed members), and give the shipping address for where you want your Journal issues delivered.
  7. Complete the transaction.
  8. If you require an official receipt, please email the treasurer at, who can attach one by reply to your email message. In the subject line, write "IOSCS Receipt".

If you prefer not to use PayPal, you may be able to use your credit card to order from our Euro account, using the instructions below.

European Members

Unfortunately, our IOSCS Euro account (established for our European members to pay in Euros) is being discontinued by the bank. Please check back later to see what alternative arrangements we can make.

Suspension and Reinstatement

See our Policy on Suspension and Reinstatement of an IOSCS Member / Executive Committee Member.

For More Information

For further information about membership in IOSCS, please consult our bylaws.