The Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS)
formerly, The Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS)
About the Journal

The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies produces an annual journal, the Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS). For issues 1 through 43, it was known as Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS). With issue 44, the name changed to Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Under either name, the Journal is the periodical publication of the IOSCS.
Each issue contains articles, book reviews, notices of recent dissertations, and society information. The JSCS is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, Old Testament Abstracts, and New Testament Abstracts.
The Journal's Editor is Eberhard Bons. An Editorial Board with native competence in French, German, and English assists the Editor with the peer-review process for articles submitted to the Journal, and with policy and procedures for the Journal. The current Board consists of Cécile Dogniez (Paris, France), Siegfried Kreuzer (Wuppertal, Germany), and Ross Wagner (Duke University, USA).
The Journal is sent to every current member of IOSCS. For subscription information, please visit visit our membership page.
The major contents of the Journal are listed elsewhere in this website. Digitized copies (PDF files) of the first 50 volumes of the Journal are available. Printed back issues of the Journal are available from Peeters Publishers.
Starting with issue 50 in 2018, we have a new publisher: Peeters Publishers. Eisenbrauns published issues 34 through 49. In 2017, Eisenbrauns became part of another publishing house. We are grateful for 20 years of fruitful collaboration with Eisenbrauns, and we look forward to collaboration with Peeters Publishers.
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of the JSCS is 2325-4793. The ISSN of the BIOSCS is 0145-3890.
Current Issue
Volume 55 (2022) was issued in February, 2023. See the table of contents or download a PDF of table of contents.
Contributions are welcomed on topics related to the Septuagint and any cognate fields of study, written in English, French, or German, in the following categories:
- Articles up to 15 pages in length (up to 35,000 characters+spaces or about 5000 words, including notes).
- Critical Notes that address one issue, up to 8 pages (16,000 characters+spaces or about 2,300 words, including notes).
- Abstracts of dissertations leading to a Ph.D. (or an equivalent degree) granted by an accredited institution, one page in length (1,000 characters+spaces, or 150–200 words).
- Book Reviews up to 1000 words in length.
All submissions are to be made by electronic mail, in Microsoft Word® or Rich Text Format. It is preferred that Greek and Hebrew text be in Unicode, and Syriac in the SBL font SPEdessa.
Scholars who publish books on the Septuagint or cognate fields of study are encouraged to list the JSCS as a journal to which the publisher should send review copies. By notifying the editor as well, the book may be reviewed in the journal sooner.
Supervisors of doctoral students are encouraged to ask successful candidates to submit abstracts of relevant dissertations to the Journal.
Suggestions for books to be reviewed should be sent to the editor. After acceptance the books should be sent directly to the reviewer.
Editorial Address
Eberhard BonsSchönenbergstraße 28
79346 Endingen
Germany Email: