Ra 9046 (olim 1120)
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barocc.132. No diktyon: 47419.
s. X; s. XII; s. XIII; s. XIII-XIV; s. XV: s. XVI
s. X: f. 316r-v; s. XII: ff. 34r-35v, 37r-123v, 126r-v, 128r-191v, 207r-246v, 289r-315v (cf. Sietis); s. XIII: ff. 273r-287v; s. XIII-XIV: ff. 193r-196v; s. XV: ff. 001r-33v, 36r-v, 124r-125v, 127r-v, 192r-v, 197r-206v, 247r-272v, 288r-v (cf. Sietis); s. XVI: ff. 317r-320v
| Parchment (ff. 34r-35v, 37r-123v, 126r-v, 128r-191v, 207r-246v, 289r-316v); Paper (ff. I-VI, I’-II’, 001-033v, 124r.125v, 127r-v 192r-206v, 247r-287v, 317r-321v), 321 ff., 250 × 200
mm cf. Rahlfs (p. 169),
1–2 col.
1 col.: ff. 001r-315v; 2 col.: ff. 316r-320v, 38 lines per page
cf. Parpulov (Appendix B1).
Minuscule (Λεώντιος Ἐυστράτιος Φιλόπονος (16th)) ff. IIIr, 001r-33v, 36r-v, 124r-125v, 127r-v, 192r-v, 197r-206v, 247r-272v, 288r-v; Minuscule (Νίκων Καλόβιος (12th)) ff. 34r-35v, 37r-123v, 126r-v, 128r-191v, 207r-246v, 289r-315v; Minuscule (14th) ff. 193r-196v (cf. Canart); Minuscule (12th) ff. 273r-287v (cf. Canart); Minuscule (Minuscola antiqua (10th)) ff. 316r-v; Minuscule (Later hand (16th)) ff. 317r-320v (cf. Sietis).
| Scribes:
ff. IIIr, 001r-33v, 36r-v, 124r-125v, 127r-v, 192r-v, 197r-206v, 247r-272v, 288r-v
Λεώντιος Ἐυστράτιος Φιλόπονος (16th),
ff. 34r-35v, 37r-123v, 126r-v, 128r-191v, 207r-246v, 289r-315v
Νίκων Καλόβιος (12th),
ff. 193r-196v
ff. 273r-287v
Γρήγοριος ἱερομόναχος Ζωγράφος (13th),
f. 316r-v
f. 317r-320v
| Provenance: Cyprus (?).
| Owner:
Γρήγοριος ἱερομόναχος Ζωγράφος (13th)
f. 287v.
Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus.
| olim Ra 1120. The manuscript is composed by different parts, in parchment and paper. Every title and lemma are rubricated. The original “body” of the manuscript is from 12th century, but it was reworked with integrations and restoration by Leontios Eustratios Philoponos.
| Text-type: L.
Canart, P.: “Les écritures livresques chypriotes du milieu du XIe siècle au milieu du XIIIe et le style palestino–chypriote ‘epsilon’”, Scrittura e civiltà 5 (1981), 17–76 (25 [n. 9]).
Ceulemans, R.: “La transmission manuscrite de la chaîne CPG C 84: nouveaux témoins grecs, une traduction latine et sélections humanists”, 2019, Revue d’Histoire des Textes 14 (2019), 41–62 (44).
Darrouzès, J.: “Autres manuscrits originaires de Chypre”, *Revue des études byzantines * 15 (1957), 138–168 (151).
Lucà, S.,: “Frammenti di codici greci in Umbria”, Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata 56–57 (2002), 107–131; 8 pll.
Sietis, N.: “Leontios Eustratios e un capitolo della tradizione manoscritta di Niceforo patriarca”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 112 (2019), 123–170.
Coxe, H.: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Oxford 1853–1854, vol. I, 231–232.
Hunt, R.W. – Madan, F.: A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts, voll. III, Oxford 1895, vol. II.1, 7 (nr. 1168).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 289.
Online sources