
Ra 9019 (olim 1581)

Genoa, Biblioteca Franzoniana, Urbani 22 (Olim 7). No diktyon: 17237.
s. XVI in.  s. XVI in.: ff. 11r-472; s. XIX.: ff. I, 1(modern annotations in Latin and Italian with the description of the manuscript and its content) | Paper, 480 ff.  ff. 300, 301, 333, 340, 351, and 407 are numbered twice. Beginning with leaf 309, the manuscript is wrongly bounded. The right order is: 309-318, 455-464, 465-472 + III'-IV ', 319-454 (cf. Cataldi Palau, 1996:15), 335 × 222 mm, 1 col., 30 lines per page. |  Minuscule. | Scribe: “Scriba Z”  The same who wrote the manuscript Urbani 21, ff. 008r-022v, 064r-117v, 232r, 295v-301v. Cf. Cataldi Palau (1196:17). | Owners: Lazzaro Bonamico (1478–1552)  Lazzaro Bonamico, Filippo Sauli (1492–1528)  Filippo Sauli, Bishop of Brugnato (1512–1528). Cf. Cataldi Palau (1990: 10 nr. 2, 12-28).
Cat. in Ps et Od. | The manuscript is defective in the beginning. The titles, the numbers of the Psalms and some marginal annotations are rubricated in red. The initial letters are decorated. There are some corrections and marginal notes attributable to the Italian scholar Lazzaro Bonamico (cf. Cataldi Palau, 1996:17).Text-type: L.
1r–10v Lacking
11r–302v Theodoreti episcopi Cyrensis interpretatio in Psalmos CPG 6202; PG 80, 896-1997
303r–318v, 455–472 Cat. in Od Catena multiplex (CPG C 46)
303r–306r Od 1
306r–315r Od 2
315r–316v Od 3
316v–318v Od 4:1-10b f. 318v, lower margin, annotation in Latin: “vide in fine vol(uminis)”
319r–450r Theodoreti episcopi Cyrensis interpretatio in duodecim prophetas minores CPG 6208; BHG 1590y-1591; PG 81, pp. 1545-1988
450v–454v Lacking
455–456v Od 4:11a-19d
456v–463v Od 5
463v–464v Od 6
464v–467r Od 11 (numbered 7)
467r–468v Od 7
469r–470r Od 8
470r–471r Od 9
472r Od 13
Papanicolaou, M.: “Identificazione del dotto copista anonimo di un manipolo di manoscritti greci databili al decennio 1526–1535: Francesco Porto”, in Rendiconti dell'Accademia dei Lincei.Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, 9/21 (2012), 427–489, 440 nr. 23.
Bertolotto, G.: “Il codice greco Sauliano di S. Atanasio scoperto ed illustrato dal socio Girolamo Bertolotto”, Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 25 (1892), 7–64, 56 (nr. XXI). 
Blume, F.: Bibliotheca librorum manuscriptorum italica. Indices Bibliothecarum Italiae […], Gottingae 1834, 1 nr. 7. 
Cataldi Palau, A.: Catalogo dei manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Franzoniana (Genova), Urbani 21— 40, Roma 1996 (Bollettino dei classici, supplemento nr. 17), 15–18.
Cataldi Palau, A.: Catalogo dei manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Franzoniana (Genova), Urbani 2 — 20, Roma 1990 (Bollettino dei classici, supplemento nr. 8), 10–11.
Ehrhard, A.: “Zur Catalogisirung der kleineren Bestände griechischer Handschriften in Italien”, Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 10 (1893), 189–217, 203. 
Grassi, G.: “Biblioteca della Congr. de' RR. Missionari urbani”, Banchiero, G., Genova e le due riviere, Genova 1846, 497–523, 503–504. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 71.