Ra 748
Athens, Byzantine and Christian Museum, ΒΧΜ 1133 (ΒΜ 2781) (olim: Serres, Μονή Ἰωάννου τοῦ Προδρόμου, 62 [Diktyon 58206]). No diktyon: 1575.
Prague, Národní Knihovna České republiky, XXV B 3. No diktyon: 55548.
| Parchment, 278 + 2 ff., 230 × 169
1 col.
| Minuscule.
| Provenance: Serres, Monastery of Ἰωάννου τοῦ Προδρόμου.
Iob with Catena by Nicetas Heracleensis (CPG C 51).
| The main part of this manuscript is kept in Athens. A folio containing Iob 38:6b–39:17 is missing. Nowadays, the last two folios of this manuscript are bound at the end of Ra 395. The Nicetas Catena was edited by Patrick Young (1584–1652) in 1637.
| Collation: Ziegler has not used the Prague part for his edition of Iob (Göttingen 1982) since it was unknown to him
| Text-type: c1.
Content | |
Athens, ff. 1r–278v | Nicetas Heracleensis, Catena in Iob (without 38:6b–39:17) |
Prague, ff. 279r–280v | Nicetas Heracleensis, Catena in Iob 42:17–19 |
Hagedorn, D./Hagedorn, U.: “Zwei Blätter einer Athener Handschrift in Prag” in: Scr. 47 (1993), 43–44.
Olivier, M. and M.–A. Monégier Du Sorbier: Manuscrits grecs récemment découverts en République tchèque. Supplément au Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de Tchécoslovaquie (DER 76), Paris 2006.
Pallas, D.: Κατάλογος χειρογράφων τοῦ Βυζαντινοῦ Μουσείου Ἀθηνῶν, μέρος γ′, Athens 1955, 48–49 (Nr. 164).
Meade, J.D. (ed.): A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22–42 (Origen’s Hexapla. A Critical Edition of the Extant Fragments 1), Leuven 2020, 4, 15, *passim* (cII-group).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Iob (Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XI,4), Göttingen 1982, 14, 132, *passim* (c1-group).