Ra 395
Prague, Národní Knihovna České republiky, XXV B 3 (olim: Kosinitza, Μονὴ τῆς Εἰκοσιφοινίσσης, 22). No diktyon: 55548.
s. X
| Parchment, 236 ff., 308 × 226
mm (312 × 232 mm),
1 col.
| Minuscule.
| Provenance: Kosinitza, Μονὴ τῆς Εἰκοσιφοινίσσης. Acquired by the library in Prague in 1954.
Iob with Catena (cf. CPG C 50).
| Some folios are missing (see Content). Nowadays, two leaves belonging to Ra 748 are attached at the end of the codex. According to Meade (p. 15, fig. 1.2), this manuscript is directly dependent on the majuscule Catena Ra 406.
| Collation: Not used by Ziegler for his edition of Iob (Göttingen 1982), but by Hagedorns for their edition of the Iob Catenae, and by Meade for his edition of the Hexaplaric fragments of Iob
| Text-type: –.
Content | |
ff. 1r–236v | Catena in Iob (with lacunae) lacunae: a folio after f. 16 with Iob 1:12d–1:15a; a quire after f. 142 with Iob 20:20a–22:4b; a folio after f. 236 with Iob 42:17–fin |
Hagedorn, D./Hagedorn, U.: “Zwei Blätter einer Athener Handschrift in Prag” in: Scr. 47 (1993), 43–44.
Hagedorn, U./Hagedorn, D.: Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob Bd. 1, Einleitung, Prologe und Epiloge, Fragmente zu Hiob 1,1–8,22 (PTS 40), Berlin et al. 1994, 14 (siglum Λ).
Olivier, M. and M.–A. Monégier Du Sorbier: Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de Tchécoslovaquie, Paris 1983, 72–74.
Meade, J.D. (ed.): A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22–42 (Origen’s Hexapla. A Critical Edition of the Extant Fragments 1), Leuven 2020, 3, 15, *passim* (cI-group).