
Ra 7128

Turin, Biblioteca Reale di Torino, Var. 484. No diktyon: 63932.
s. XV, s. XVI, s. XVII  s. XV: ff. 5–176; s. XVI: ff. 1–4, 177–183; s. XVII: ff. 184–324 | Parchment (ff. 1–183); Paper (ff. 184–324), 324 ff., 118 × 77 mm, 1 col., 22–24 lines per page  24 lines: ff. 6–176; 22 lines: ff. 184–324. | Minuscule (Hodegon style)  ff. 6–176.
Psalms, Odes, prayers, hymnography, and Book of Hours – with miniatures. | The manuscript was produced in three stages: ff. 5–176 are by a fifteenth-century hand; ff. 1–4 and 177–183, as well as half of the text on f. 131r and the text on f. 132v, were added in the sixteenth century; the paper ff. 184–324 are copied in a seventeenth-century hand. | Text-type: L.
1r–v prayer rule for illiterate monks
2r–4r church calendar in verse (BHG 1617n)
4v–5r blank
5v miniature
6r–108v Ps 1–150 with three troparia and a prayer at each kathisma
109r–117r Ode 1:4-9:79 (beginning lost)
117v–118r Ode 11
118r–120r prayers
120v miniature
121r–170r hymnography
170r–176v prayers
177r list of Psalms recited on various occasions
177v prayer rule for illiterate monks (same as on f. 1r-v)
177v–179r church calendar in verse (same as on ff. 2r-4v)
179v gnomica
180r–182v hymnography
182v–183v paschal calculations
184r–188r prayer office (ἀκολουθία) to all saints
188r–189v prayer office (ἀκολουθία) to the Virgin Mary
190r–304v Horologion (Book of Hours)
305r–324v prayer office (ἀκολουθία) for Holy Communion
Lampros, S.: “Οἱ τρεῖς ἐλλενικοὶ κώδικες τῆς ἐν Ταυρίνῳ Βασιλικῆς βιβλιοθήκης”, in: Νέος Ἑλληνομνήμων, 9 (1912), 466–469, 467–469. 
Mioni, E.: Catalogo di manoscritti greci esistenti nelle biblioteche italiane, II, Rome 1965, 424–427 (cat. 284).