Ra 7028
Meteora, Ἱερὰ Μονὴ Μεταμορφώσεως, 85. No diktyon: 41496.
a. 1516
| Paper, 172 ff., 147 × 218
mm (text area: 95 x 158 mm),
1 col., 18-21 lines per page.
| Scribe:
Ἀλέξιος, ἱερεὺς.
Psalms and Odes.
| Old binding with wooden covers. The old numbering of the quires is still visible in the upper margin. Enlarged decorated initials in red colour. In the margins of the ff. 31v-32r there is a poem in vernacular language written by a later hand, inc. “Ἀντρόνικος ἐκίνησε νὰ πάῃ στὸ ταξίδιν”. It has been edited by Vees (1910: 3-4). Autopsy of the manuscript in January 2023.
| Text-type: L.
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