Ra 609
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, supplément grec. 500. No diktyon: 53244.
s. XVI
| Paper, 102 ff., 220 × 160
1 col.
| Minuscule (different scripts).
| Scribe:
unknown different scribes.
| Provenance: Acquired by Minoïdes Minas (as part of Codices Parisini suppl. gr. 473–504) at one of his journeys to Greece (1840–1855). Minas was commissioned by the French government to search for mss. in European Turkey, Asia Minor, and at Mount Athos. Next to Ra 609, the following Rahlfs mss. belong to the Minas group of mss.: Ra_610, Ra_1147, Ra_1748, Ra_1752, Ra_1754. Ra 609 is first mentioned in a list that was compiled by Minas on February 10, 1843, after he returned from his second tour to Mount Athos (September 1842 – February 1843); cf. Melissakis: Διασπορά, 486, n. 27; Omont: Minoïde Mynas, 405, n. 5; and Minas’ own travel notes, Codex Paris. suppl. gr. 754, f. 12v. Mc Cown’s suggestion that the ms. came from the Levant (Mc Cown: Testament, p. 13), is proofless. In 1864, it came into the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris.
| Owner:
Μινωίδης Μηνάς (01.12.1788–30.12.1859)
cf. f. 1r. Ownership note by the hand of Minas (f. 102v).
Miscellaneous ms. by different hands (ff. 1r-87v; 88r-93v; 94r-95v; 99rv; 101v), containing a selection of three pseudo-Solomonic texts, namely the biblical books of Eccl and Cant, followed by the parabiblical Testament of Solomon. Modern binding (s. XIX).
| Used by Gentry for his edition of Ecclesiastes (Ra 609), and by McCown for his edition of the Testament of Solomon (siglum I).
| Collation: Septuaginta-Unternehmen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Eccl, Cant); Mc Cown (TestSal).
| Text-type: cI (Eccl), A-recension (TestSal).
Gentry, P.J.: Text History of the Greek Ecclesiastes. Introduction to the Göttingen Septuagint Edition of Ecclesiastes (De Septuaginta Investigationes 17), Göttingen 2022, p. 135 (Text-type in Eccl).
Istrin, V.M.: Греческие списки »Завещания Соломона« (Летопись Историко–филологическаго общества при Императорскомъ Новороссийскомъ Университетъ 7, Византийское отделение 4), Odessa 1899, 49–98, p. 49, p. 75.
McCown, C.C. (ed.): The Testament of Solomon. Edited from Manuscripts at Mount Athos, Bologna, Holkham Hall, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Paris and Vienna. With Introduction (UNT 9), Leipzig 1922, pp. 12–13 (Provenance, Ownership).
Melissakis, Z.: Η διασπορά χειρογράφων του Αγίου Όρους σε βιβλιοθήκες του εξωτερικού: η περίπτωση του Κωνσταντίνου – Μηνά Μηνωϊδη. The Dissemination of Athonite Manuscripts in Libraries beyond Greece. The Case–study of Minas Minoidis, Thessaloniki 2001 (unpublished), p. 486, n. 27 (Provenance, Ownership).
Omont, H.: Minoïde Mynas et ses missions en Orient (1840–1855), in: Memoires de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 40 (1916), 337–421 (Provenance, Ownership).
Omont, H.: Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Nationale Vol. 3, Paris 1888, p. 270.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, p. 215.
Gentry, P.J. (ed.): Ecclesiastes (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XI/2), Göttingen 2019 (Ra 609).
McCown, C.C. (ed.): The Testament of Solomon. Edited from Manuscripts at Mount Athos, Bologna, Holkham Hall, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Paris and Vienna. With Introduction (UNT 9), Leipzig 1922 (siglum I).
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