Ra 1147
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Suppl. grec. 610. No diktyon: 53345.
s. X ex.
XI according to Omont
| Parchment (001-270); Paper (I-III, I'-III'), 271 ff., 150 × 110
1 col., 17 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Perlschrift);
Majuscule (Auszeichnungsmajuskel) Titles and ff. 009-014.
| Provenance: Constantinople.
(cf. Rahlfs, 1914: 215, Pa. gr. 473)
| Owner:
Konstantinos Minoides Minas (1788-1859)
Manuscripts collector and bibliophile.
Greek Psalter.
| The manuscript presents the Psalms and Odes with marginal commentary; it has preserved its original binding. The titles and letters are rubricated in gold, and some are red. The psalms are divided into καθίσματα and δόξαι. The epigrams were written in red, above the headpieces, by a later hand (13th c.). There are some miniatures.
| Text-type: L.