Ra 55
s. X/1
| Parchment, 565 ff., 410 × 280
2 col., max. 34 lines per page.
| Scribe:
Three anonymous contemporary scribes
cf. Yota 2017: 189.
| Patron:
Λέων Πατρίκιος πραιπόσιτος καὶ σακελάριος
PMBZ 24419.
| Provenance: Monastery of Saint Nicholas, Constantinople.
| Owner:
Christina, Queen of Sweden (1626–1689).
Complete Bible (illustrated).
| This is the so-called “Leo Bible”, considered a masterpiece of the Macedonian Renaissance. According to Cyril Mango (1969: 125-126), it was produced around 940. The entire Bible consisted of two volumes (containing 60 books), but only the first volume survived. It contains several full page miniatures depicting holy figures, scenes of the Bible, as well as the patron of the manuscript, Leon Sakelarios and his brother Konstantinos. Leon Sakelarios donated this Bible to a monastery of St. Nicholas, which had been founded by his brother Konstantinos and most probably was located in Constantinople. The monastery has not yet been identified. Leon was wrongly identified in the past with Leon Magistros Choirosphaktes (see Mango 1969: 122, cf. Krumbacher 1897: 131). The frames of the miniatures contain epigrams, which refer to the depictions. These miniatures have been detached from the volume and are kept separately. Their style is similar to the one of the Paris Psalter (10th c.). Enlarged decorated initials mark the beginning of each biblical book and majuscule initials the beginning of each Psalm. The biblical text is written in red ink.
| Text-type: L with minor readings in accordance with B.
Andrist, A.: “Au croisement des contenus et de la matière: l’architecture des sept pandectes bibliques grecques du premier millénaire”, Scrineum Rivista 17/2 (2020), 3–106, 63–80.
Bandt, C.: “Eusebius, Periochae”, in C. Bandt, Fr. X. Risch and B. Villani, Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur (TU) 183), Berlin/Boston 2019, 122–141.
Bandt, C.: “Origenes (?), De divisione psalmorum”, in C. Bandt, Fr. X. Risch and B. Villani, Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur (TU) 183), Berlin–Boston 2019, 32–49.
Canart, P. (ed.): La Bible du Patrice Léon. Codex Reginensis Graecus 1 (Studi e testi 463), Città del Vaticano 2011.
Dufrenne, S and Canart P.: Die Bibel des Patricius Leo. Codex Reginensis Graecus IB (Codices e Vaticanis Selecti 75), Zürich 1988.
Iacobini, A.: “Segno del possesso: committenti, destinatari, donatori nei manoscritti bizantini dell’età macedone”, in F. Conca – G. Fiaccadori, Bisanzio nell'età dei Macedoni: forme della produzione letteraria e artistica: VIII Giornata di studi bizantini (Milano, 15–16 marzo 2005), Napoli 2007, 151–194, 164–168.
Kondakoff, N.: Histoire de l'art byzantin considéré principalement dans les miniatures, Paris 1891, 39–48.
Krumbacher, K.: Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur von Justinian bis zum Ende des Oströmischen Reiches (527–1453), München 1897, 131.
Lauxtermann, M.: Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres, vol. 1, Vienna 2003, 191–196, 348.
Mango, C.: “The date of Cod. Vat. Regin. Gr. 1 and the ‚Macedonian Renaissance‘”, Institutum Romanum Norvegiae, Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia 4 (1969), 121–126.
Matthews, T.: “The Epigrams of Leo Sacellarios and an Exegetical Approach to the Miniatures of Vat. Reg. Gr. 1”, Orientalia Christiana periodica 43 (1977), 94–134.
Rahlfs, A.: Psalmi cum Odis, Göttingen 1931, 12.
Rhoby, A.: Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften (Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung 4), Wien 2018, 471–492.
Yota, E. and S. C. Dirkse: “The Complete Bible”, in A. Tsamakda, A Companion to Byzantine Illustrated Manuscripts (Brill’s Companion to the Byzantine World, Band 2), Leiden–Boston 2017, 185–194, 188–192.
Online sources
- Digivatlib Digital images (vol. A – Text)
- Digivatlib Digital images (vol. B – Miniatures and Fragments)
- Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams Text of the epigrams
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