
Ra 1133

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 139 (Hurault: 76, Rigault: CCXI, Dupuy: 211, Clément: 1878). No diktyon: 49706.
s. X | Parchment, 449, 265 × 370 mm (text area: 190 x 300 mm), 1 col. | Minuscule (Minuscule „bouletée“). | Provenance: According to Buchthal: Exaltation, the Paris Psalter is a copy of an Imperial manuscript that was commissioned by emperor Constantine VII. The Paris Psalter was acquired by Jean Hurault de Boistaillé († 1572) in Constantinople (1557–1559). Afterwards, it was in the possession of Philippe Hurault de Cheverny (1579–1620). In 1622, it came into the Bibliothèque du Roi in Paris.
Paris Psalter. Catena in Psalms and Odes. With 14 full-page miniatures. 16th cent. binding. | Biblical text surrounded by marginal Catena commentary ("Rahmenkatene”), that belongs to Catena Typus III Karo-Lietzmann (CPG C 16), which is also transmitted, e.g., in Ra 1215 and Ra 1420. The Catena contains Hexaplaric readings and has been used by Montfaucon (and consequently Field) for the edition of the Hexaplaric fragments.Collation: Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters (Psalm 1–151); Montfaucon (Hexaplaric readings); Field (Hexaplaric readings); Risch (Eusebius Ps 101–150). | Text-type: L.
1r–7v Seven miniatures that illustrate the life of David
8r–418v Psalm 1–151 with a miniature between Ps 49 and Ps 50. The text of Ps 147 is given twice (f. 414r–f. 415r)
419r–448v Odes 1–3, 6, 4–5, 7–9, 11 with six miniatures
Agati, M.L.: La minuscola „bouletée" Bd. 1–2 (Littera Antiqua 9/1–2), Vatikanstadt 1992, vol. 1, pp. 120-121 (Paleography).
Buchthal, H.: The Exaltation of David, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 37 (1974), 330-333 (Provenance).
Buchthal, H.: The Miniatures of the Paris Psalter. A Study in Middle Byzantine Painting (Studies of the Warburg Institute 2), London 1938 (Miniatures).
Lowden, J.H.: Observations on Illustrated Byzantine Psalters, in: The Art Bulletin 70 (1988), 242-60 (Miniatures).
Vanderschelden, L.: An Unconventional Catena on the Psalms. A Partial Edition of the Type III Catena and an Assessment of its Position in the Exegetical Tradition, Diss., University of Leuven 2020 (Catena).
Wander, S.H.: The Paris Psalter (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, cod. gr. 139) and the Antiquitates Judaicae of Flavius Josephus, in: Word & Image 30 (2014), 90-103 (Miniatures).
Karo, G./Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum Graecarum Catalogus, Göttingen 1902, p. 27.
Omont, H.: Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Nationale Bd. 1, Paris 1886, p. 17.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 200. 
Risch, F.X. (ed.): Eusebius von Caesarea, Werke Band X, Der Psalmenkommentar. Teil 3: Fragmente zu Psalm 101–150 (GCS NF 32), Berlin et al. 2022, pp. xiii–xiv (Ms. Ca).