
Ra 1215

Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. Z. 17 (coll. 421). No diktyon: 69488.
s. X/XI  The dating is problematic: the manuscript may have been commissioned to celebrate the coronation of Basil II in 973, or to celebrate the victory of the emperor over the Bulgarians in 1018. According to Cutler (The aristocratic Psalters, p. 115) the manuscript would be datable to about 1004-1005. | Parchment (ff. Ia–IVa, 1–432); Paper (ff. I–VI, I’–V’), 430 ff., 390 × 300 mm, 1 col., var. lines per page  7–20 lines (Ps.Od.), 60–70 lines (Cat.). | Minuscule (Perlschrift). | Scribe: Scribe of the Menologion of Basil II (Vat. gr. 1613) The scribe is the same who wrote the manuscript Par. Coisl. 259.. Basil II (958–1025). | Provenance: Monastery τῆς περιβλέπτου θεοτόκου, Constantinople.  Note f. 430vOwners: Bessarion (1399/1400-1472)  f. IIIv: Ownership note, Ioannis Mamales (14th century)  f. 431v: Ownership note, Basil II (958–1025),
Catena in Psalmos et in Odas. | The manuscript is a luxury psalter made for Emperor Basil II. It presents the text of the psalms positioned in the center and surrounded by a Catena commentary. The titles and the numbers are in gold, as are the names of the commentators. In some folios, the numbers of the psalms are repeated in the upper margin. On the text of the Psalms and Odes there are letters (α, β, γ) which are repeated at the beginning of the corresponding marginal comment.Text-type: L.
Ir Cyclus paschalis, anno mundi 6714–6733 (1206–1225)
Iv blank
IIr blank
IIv Epigramm
IIIr Miniature of Basil II (958–1025)
IIIv Ownership note note, Bessarion
IVr blank
IVv Miniatures of David
1r–410v Cat. in Ps 1–150 CPG C016. Cat. Typus III (Karo - Lietzmann, Catenarum Graecorum Catalogus, p. 27). “M” (Richard, Asterii Sophistae, p. XVIII)
411r–430v Cat. in Od CPG C045–C046
411r–412v Od 1
413r–417r Od 2
417v–419r Od 3
419r–421r Od 4
421r–424r Od 5
424r–424v Od 6
425r–427r Od 7
427r–427v Od 8
428r–429r Od 9
429v–430v Od 11 Od 10 not existant
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