Ra 2021
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung (P. 9754).
s. V
| Parchment, 1 f., 155 × 80
mm, 22 lines per page.
Majuscule beautiful, careful, upright book script; regular orthography, some itacisms; also first-hand corrections; nomen sacrum spelling: κς; written in stichoi, continuation of stichoi on subsequent line, partly without indentation (?).
| Provenance: unknown; purchased 1896 from the collection Reinhardt.
Ps 25.
| 3 fragments of a leaf from a codex. Remains of 22 lines on both sides; recto missing the line ends, verso the line beginnings. Probably complete in height; upper margin 2.5cm, lower 3.5cm and inner 1.5cm; the outer margin as well as the writing up to about 1/3 of the line are torn off; numerous other letter losses, so that only a little more than half of the text is preserved. Original format approx. 15.5 × 14.5cm, Turner group X, cf. p. 28.
| Collation: LXXGot; there classified as mixed text
| Text-type: mixed.
Content | |
1 | Ps. 25:7b init. – 26:2b ε[πεσαν; 26:3a παραταξητα]ι – 7a ε[κεκ]ραξ[α |
Cavallo, Ricerche, 74.
Facs.: Cavallo TMG, 59b (Ps. 26:3a–7a).
Turner OT, 80.
Verz, 33.
vHaelst, Nr. 127.
Wevers I, 131.
BKT VIII, Nr. 6, pp. 16–18.