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Cambridge, Westminster College, Cod. Climaci rescriptus, f. 26 and 27. No diktyon: 12282.
s. VII/VIII  rescr. syr. IX | Parchment, 2 f., 235 × 185 mm, 1 col., 27 lines per page. | Majuscule. | Provenance: unknown; 1895–1906 purchased by A. S. Lewis in Cairo and the surrounding area.
Ps. 135–136; 140–142; (scriptura inferior). | 2 leaves from one codex; the lower margin is cut off, but no loss of text; both leaves originally formed a double leaf; another leaf has fallen out between the two; the column of script comprises an average of 27 lines of ca. 15cm width, but the vertical ruling is frequently overwritten; the margins vary between 1.3 and 1.9 cm; the text is complete with the exception of a few broken letters; Turner OT 156 erroneously refers data from leaf 5 (see previous entry), which he omits from his list, to the present codex. For the latter, a type area of ca. 21.5 × 15.5 and a page size of 26.5 × 18.5 are calculated; Turner: 28 × 18.5 cm = group VI, cf. p. 28. Upright, round majuscule with a slight left slant; orthography predominantly irregular; nomen sacrum spelling: θς, κς, ιηλ, ιλημ, ανος, ουνος, πνα; conspicuous: Διδ for Δαυίδ and ονι for ὀνόματι; written in stichoi, continuation of stitches mostly indented on subsequent line or by overwriting; partly deviating stichoi division. | Collation: LXXGot (f. 26a only), categorised there as a mixed text | Text-type: mixed.
1–2 Ps. 135:13b–136:9 (= f. 27); 140:1–142:1c (= f. 26)
Malik, P.: Psalms 135.13–136.7, 140.10–142.1 in Codex Climaci Rescriptus. A New Edition of the Greek Text Based on Multispectral Images, in: ZAW 135 (2023), 16–40.
Treu, K.: Referat „Christliche Papyri“ 1940–1967, in: APF 19 (1969), 169–206, 178.
Turner, E. G: The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1977 (Haney Foundation Series 18), OT 156.
van Haelst, J.: Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens: Publications de la Sorbonne, Série «Papyrologie» – 1, Paris 1976, Nr. 230.
Wevers, J. W.: Septuaginta–Forschungen seit 1954, in: ThR 33 (1968), 18–76, 57f.
Fraenkel, D.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments von Alfred Rahlfs, Bd. I,1, Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert (Septuaginta, Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. Supplementum I/1), Göttingen 22020, 54. 
Horae Semiticae VIII: Codex Climaci rescriptus, ed. A. S. Lewis, Cambridge 1909, p. XXXI, cf. XVI = *editio princeps* of Ps. 140:1–9 (= f. 26a).
Moir, I. A.: Two Septuagint Palimpsest Fragments, Fragment B: JThS 8 (1957), 5–11 + pl. II (Ps. 140:1–9).
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta–Unternehmen aufgestellt. NGWG.PH 1914, Beiheft (= MSU II). Berlin 1914, 43.