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Ra 2005

Cambridge, University Library, T-S 12.182. No diktyon: 74182.
s. VII  rescr. hebr. XI | Palimpsest, 2 ff.  This was originally the inner double leaf of a quire. In order to preserve the present format, the upper and outer margins have been cut off with considerable loss of text; the original leaf A is only preserved in a width of approx. 8cm, the counter leaf B in a width of 14cm; the first 7-8 lines of each page are missing, 275 × 218 mm, 4 col., 35/19 lines per page. | Majuscule (Right-angled, angular majuscule; epsilon, omicron and sigma narrow; carefully written; nomen sacrum spelling: ΠΙΠΙ instead of the tetragram; otherwise no evidence). | Provenance: Cairo, Geniza.
Ps 21:15–28 according to the Hexapla (scriptura inferior); The Qerobot of Yannai (scriptura superior). | The codex was laid out in such a way that the parallel texts each took up a double page in the open book; the exact number of columns cannot be reconstructed due to the absence of the outer halves of the leaves; only texts of the following columns are attested: Col. II = Secunda, i.e. transcribed Hebrew text using Greek letters, Col. III = Aquila (α´), Col. IV = Symmachus (σ´) and Col. V = Septuagint (ο´); thus it must remain open whether the Col. VI contained Theodotion or the so-called Quinta. It is noteworthy that in Col. V, as in Ra 1098, interlinear notes with divergent translations are interspersed. From here it can be assumed that the lost Col. VI was also enriched with extracts from other versions. The text distribution in detail: f. Ar: 35 lines from the σ´-column, complete apart from a few broken letters; f. Av: 35 lines from the α´-column in the same state of preservation; f. Br: 35 lines with Col. IV (σ´), complete, and the beginning of the verses of Col. V (ο´): 11 lines complete, the others are missing 1–10, mostly 4–6, letters; f. Bv: remains of 19 lines from col. II, mostly only the last letter (11 lines), otherwise 2–5 preserved; 35 lines of col. III, complete. | Collation: LXXGot (only Col. V), there assigned to the O-group
f. Ar (σ´) σ´ Ps 21:15a εξεχυθνη – 21:18b fin. εις εμε ed. Taylor, pp. 4–5 (Col. IV)
f. Av (α´) α´ Ps 21:20 init. συ δε – 21:24c απαν ed. Taylor, p. 6 (Col. IV); p. 8 (Col. III)
f. Br (σ´ | ο´) σ´ Ps 21:20 init. συ δε – 21:24c απαν | ο´ Ps 21:20 init. συ δε – 21:24 απαν ed. Taylor, pp. 7. 9 (Cols. IV + V)
f. Bv (Secunda | α´) Secunda Ps 21:25–28 (single letters) | α´ Ps 21:25 πενητος [LXX πτωχου] – 21:28b πασαι ed. Taylor, pp. 10. 11 (Cols. II + III)
Rahlfs, A.: Septuaginta–Studien. Herausgegeben von A. Rahlfs. 2. Heft. Der Text des Septuaginta–Psalters. Von A. Rahlfs. Nebst einem Anhang: Griechische Psalterfragmente aus Oberägypten nach Abschriften von W. E. Crum. Göttingen 1907, 110f.
Sokoloff, M. / Yahalom, J.: Christian Palimpsests from the Cairo Geniza: RHT 8 (1978), pp. 109–132, Nr. XXXIV.116, p. 125.
Tchernetska, N.: Hand–List of the Greek Palimpsests in Cambridge Libraries: I manoscritti greci tra riflessione e dibattito. Atti del V Colloquio Internazionale di Paleografia Greca (Cremona, 4–10 ottobre 1998), a cura di G. Prato, Pap. Flor. XXXI, tom. II, Firenze 2000, pp. 733–739, 737.
Turner, E. G: The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press 1977 (Haney Foundation Series 18), OT 78.
van Haelst, J.: Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens: Publications de la Sorbonne, Série «Papyrologie» – 1, Paris 1976, Nr. 123.
Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta–Unternehmen aufgestellt von A. Rahlfs. NGWG.PH 1914, Beiheft (= MSU II). Berlin 1914, 42.
Fraenkel, D.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments von Alfred Rahlfs, Bd. I,1, Die Überlieferung bis zum VIII. Jahrhundert (Septuaginta, Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. Supplementum I/1), Göttingen 22020, 49–50. 
Hebrew–Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests from the Taylor–Schechter Collection, Including a Fragment of the Twenty–Second Psalm According to Origen’s Hexapla, ed. by C. Taylor, Cambridge 1900, Nr. I, pp. 1–50 and pl. I (= Bv+Ar) – II (=Av+Br).
Online Sources Cairo Genizah