
Ra 1784

Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 695. No diktyon: 67326.
s. XIV; a. 1341: ff. 9r-134v | Paper, 268 ff., 220 × 140 mm, 2 col., 32 lines per page. |  Minuscule. | Scribes: Μανουήλ Βεστάρχης. He completed the Psalter in the year 1341  ff. 9r-134v, At least ten different contemporary hands. | Provenance: Southern Italy?. | Owners: Νικόλαος (14th c.?)  see the possession note on f. 257v, Παῦλος  see the note on f. f. 161r, Γεώργης Κοντορούλης  see the possession note on f. 257v.
Psalms and Odes in Greek and Latin. | The Psalter is distinguished by its decorated initials of Western style.Text-type: L.
1r–5vErotapokriseis: questions and answers about the Holy Trinity.
6r–8rGnomic Verses
9r–124rPs 1-150 Tit. Δαυὶδ προφήτου καὶ βασιλέως μέλος
124v–125rOde 11
125rOde 3
125v–126vOde 1
126v–127vOde 4
127v–130rOde 2
130r–130vOde 8:57-87
130v–131rOde 9: Prayer of Zachariah
131rOde 9: Prayer of the Holy Virgin
131r–131vOde 13
131v–132rThe hymn Te Deum laudamus
132r–132vThe hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo in Greek and Latin.
132v–133rThe Lord’s Prayer in Greek and Latin
133r–134vThe Athanasian Creed in Greek and Latin
135r–137rGeorge Hamartolos, Cronicle 1, 20-22
139r–140vEpistle of Gregory IX to Germanos II. Translation in Greek of the Latin text.
141r–161rLife of Aesop
161v–164vTreatise on the seven Ecumenical Synods
165r–189vAesop’s Fables in an alphabetical order
207r–214rMichael Psellos, Interpretation of vernacular sayings inc. “οἱ τέσσαρεις τοὺς τέσσαροις (sic) καὶ ἐνίκησεν ἡ θύρα”
214vPrayer to Theotokos by a later hand
215r–219vPrayers attributed to John of Chrysostom
220r–225vPseudo-Athanasius, Questions and Answers adressed to the Dux Antiochus
226r–227vMedical fragment from Galen
228r–241vEphraim the Syrian, Sermon to Joseph
241v–257vLife of St. Mary of Egypt
258r–262rOracles of Leo the Wise
262v–264vCyprian, Prayers against magic
265r–265vFragment of an exorcism
266r–268rDodecasyllables on the passion of Christ
268vEaster table
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell'alto Medioevo”, Römische historische Mitteilungen 40 (1998), 49–118, 116 (149).
Turyn, A.: Codices Graeci Vaticani saeculis XIII et XIV scripti annorumque notis instructi (Codices e Vaticanis selecti 28), Vatican City 1964, 140–142. 
De’ Cavalieri, Fr.: Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae, Brussels 1899, 23. 
Devreesse, R.: Codices Vaticani Graeci, III: Codices 604–866, Vatican City 1950, 169–172.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 253.