
Ra 1703

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. T.2.11 (Misc. 211) (Pellicier nr. 161; Clermont nr. 75; Meerman nr. 127). No diktyon: 47159.
s. XV/1: ff. 001r-370v (I); s. XV: ff. 371r-377v (II) | Paper, 370 + 7 ff.  Two manuscripts: I) ff. 001r-370v; II) 371r-376v, 220 × 140 mm, 1 col., 25/26 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Southern Italian Hands). | Scribes: A  001r (I part), B  001v-036v, 299r-324r (I part), C  037r-299r, 324r-359r (I part). | Provenance: Southern Italy. | Owners: Gerard Meerman (1722-1771)  cf. Cataldi Palau (2011: 259). About Gerard Meerman, cf. Cataldi Palau (2011: 35-38), Guillaume Pellicier (1490-1568)  About Guillaume Pellicier, cf. Cataldi Palau (2011: 1-19. 259), College de Clermont (1560-1762)  cf. Cataldi Palau, A Catalogue, p. 259. About the Library of the Collège de Clermont, cf. Cataldi Palau, A Catalogue, pp. 29-35, Bodleian Library  The Meerman’s collection was purchased by the Bodleian Library in 1823; cf. Cataldi Palau (2011: 37).
Lexica varia; Ps. | The manuscript consists of two parts: the first (ff. 1-370) contains a collection of Lexica and is defective at the end; the second (ff. 371r-376v) contains the Psalms from 36 to 44 and is defective at the beginning and at the end.
1–370 (I ms) Lexica varia Comes from the same archetype as Vat. gr. 1456, cf. Cataldi Palau (2011: 259)
371r–377v (II ms) Ps 36:17a-44:13b
de Lagarde, P.: Symmicta, vol. 1, Göttingen 1877, 173, 210 (“M”). 
Mercati, G.: “Appunti sul palinsesto Vat. gr. 1456”, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 65 (1910), 331–338, 335–338. 
Pavlidou, K.: Ein frühbyzantinisches Glossar zu den Briefen des Apostels Paulus. Handschriftliche Überlieferung und kritische Ausgabe, Wiesbaden 2005 (Serta Graeca, 22), 65–66.
Touwaide, A.: “Byzantine Medical Manuscripts. Towards a new catalogue with a specimen for an annotated checklist of manuscripts based on an index of Diels' catalogue”, Byzantion 79 (2009), 453–595, 522. 
Cataldi Palau, A.: A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts from the Meerman Collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxford 2011, 252–259. 
Coxe, H., O.: Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, I, Oxonii 1853, coll. 767–770. 
Hunt, R.W. – Madan, F.: A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts, Vol. IV, Oxford 1897, 434 (nr. 20590). 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 166.
Online sources