
Ra 1641

Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Fabr. 094 8°. No diktyon: 37126.
s. XV–XVI  a. 1447: f. 218v | Paper, 234 ff., 132 × 98 mm, 1 col., 16 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Later Paleologan Hands). | Scribe: Iakobos Bounos of Crete, 15th c.  f. 218v, cf. Schartau (1994:38); Schartau (1994:434); DBBE. | Provenance: The manuscript entered the University Library of Copenhagen in 1770 and in the Kongelige Bibliotek in 1938.  cf. Schartau (1994:435)Owners: Gabriel Kalonas priest in Corinth, year 1582  f. 5r, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Jakobos Myloetas of Patmos, year 1587  f. 6r, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Philippos Maurikios of Corinth, year 1586  f. 5v, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Bohuslav baron von Lobkowitz in Hassentein (1462-1510)  f. 6v, cf. Graux (1879:104); Rahlfs (1914:92); Schartau (1994:38); Schartau (1994:435); see also here, On f. 6v, together with Bohuslav von Lobkowitz , other later owners of the manuscript are mentioned.  cf. Schartau (1994:435).
Greek Psalter. | The manuscript is a small Greek psalter containing some verses and quotations in Greek and Latin, and the Psalms (1-151) followed by the Odes (1-9). The initial letters of each Psalms verse are decorated, and the titles are rubricated in red. There are some marginal annotations in Greek and Latin; the text is underlined in a few places.Text-type: L.
1r–4vVaria Quotations and Verses in Greek and Latin. cf. Schartau (1994:436)
5r–6vOwnership Notes
7r–200vPs 1-150
200vPs 151
201r–202vOd 1
202v–207rOd 2
207r–208rOd 3
208r–210vOd 4
210v–211rOd 5
211v–212vOd 6
212v–215vOd 7
216r–216vOd 8
216v–218rOd 9
218vColophon closed by an Epigram
219r–222rVaria in Greek and Latin
223v–228vVaria in Latin
230v–231vVaria in Latin
234rVaria in Greek and Latin
Schartau, B.: “Byzans efter Byzans: i det kongelige biblioteks håndskriftsamling”, in Fund og forskning 31 (1992), 29–44, 38–40. 
Graux, Ch.: Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs de la Grande Bibliothèque royale de Copenhague, Paris 1879, 104. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), 92. 
Schartau, B.: Codices Graeci Haunienses: ein deskriptiver Katalog des griechischen Handschriftenbestandes der königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen; mit zwei Appendices von Erik Petersen, Copenhagen 1994 (Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, 9), 434–436. 
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