
Ra 1641

Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Fabr. 094 8°. No diktyon: 37126.
s. XV–XVI  a. 1447: f. 218v | Paper, 234 ff.  (+ one leaf not numbered after f. 57 and after f. 58), 132 × 98 mm, 1 col., 16 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Later Paleologan Hands). | Scribe: Iakobos Bounos of Crete, 15th c.  f. 218v, cf. Schartau (1994:38); Schartau (1994:434); DBBE. | Provenance: The manuscript entered the University Library of Copenhagen in 1770 and in the Kongelige Bibliotek in 1938.  cf. Schartau (1994:435)Owners: Gabriel Kalonas priest in Corinth, year 1582  f. 5r, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Jakobos Myloetas of Patmos, year 1587  f. 6r, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Philippos Maurikios of Corinth, year 1586  f. 5v, cf. Schartau (1994:436), Bohuslav baron von Lobkowitz in Hassentein (1462-1510)  f. 6v, cf. Graux (1879:104); Rahlfs (1914:92); Schartau (1994:38); Schartau (1994:435); see also here, On f. 6v, together with Bohuslav von Lobkowitz , other later owners of the manuscript are mentioned.  cf. Schartau (1994:435).
Greek Psalter. | The manuscript is a small Greek psalter containing some verses and quotations in Greek and Latin, and the Psalms (1-151) followed by the Odes (1-9). The initial letters of each Psalms verse are decorated, and the titles are rubricated in red. There are some marginal annotations in Greek and Latin; the text is underlined in a few places.Text-type: L.
1r–4v Varia Quotations and Verses in Greek and Latin. cf. Schartau (1994:436)
5r–6v Ownership Notes
7r–200v Ps 1-150
200v Ps 151
201r–202v Od 1
202v–207r Od 2
207r–208r Od 3
208r–210v Od 4
210v–211r Od 5
211v–212v Od 6
212v–215v Od 7
216r–216v Od 8
216v–218r Od 9
218v Colophon closed by an Epigram
219r–222r Varia in Greek and Latin
222v–223r Blank
223v–228v Varia in Latin
229r–230r Blank
230v–231v Varia in Latin
232r–233v Blank
234r Varia in Greek and Latin
Schartau, B.: “Byzans efter Byzans: i det kongelige biblioteks håndskriftsamling”, in Fund og forskning 31 (1992), 29–44, 38–40. 
Graux, Ch.: Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs de la Grande Bibliothèque royale de Copenhague, Paris 1879, 104. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), 92. 
Schartau, B.: Codices Graeci Haunienses: ein deskriptiver Katalog des griechischen Handschriftenbestandes der königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen; mit zwei Appendices von Erik Petersen, Copenhagen 1994 (Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, 9), 434–436. 
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