
Ra 1579

St. Florian, Reguliertes Chorherrenstift, XI. 459A. No diktyon: 56707.
s. XIII | Parchment, 150 ff., 80 × 60 mm  Text area: 53 × 34, 1 col., 18-23 lines per page. |  Minuscule.
Psalms and Odes. | Text-type: L.
1rFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand in red ink. It is not easily readable
1vPs 14:4c-Ps 15:7a
2rFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
2vPs 16:3a-10b
3rFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
3vPs 17:1-8b
4r–4vFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
5rPs 1:1-3c
5vFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
6rPs 2:3b-11a
6vFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
7rPs 3:7a-Ps 4:3a
7vMiniature of David (badly faded)
8r–23rPs 2-19 (not in the right order)
23r–135vPs 20-151
136r–136vOde 1
136v–138vOde 2
138v–139rOde 3
139r–140rOde 4
140r–140vOde 5
140v–141rOde 6
141r–142rOde 7
142r–143rDaniel 3:46-51 and Ode 8 (its ending differs from Rahlfs’ edition)
143r–143vOde 9
143vHymn to Christ, inc. “Ὁ πάσης δημιουργὸς τῆς κτίσεως, ὁ καιροὺς καὶ χρόνους ἐν τῆ ἰδία ἐξουσία θέμενος’’
144rApolytikion of the Archangels, hymn to the Holy Virgin and several other hymns for feasts of saints (e.g., St. Dionysius, St. Anna, St. Paul, St. Euthymius, St. Clement, St. John the Baptist, St. Pachomius, St. Constantine, St. Antony, St. Symeon, St. Magdalene)
147v–150rFragment of a text on Jesus’ life written by a later hand. It is not easily readable
150vMiniature (damaged)
Gollob, E.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften in Österreich auszerhalb Wiens, Wien 1903, 15–18. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 69.