
Ra 1553

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 468 (olim no. 15). No diktyon: 11832.
s. XIII | Parchment, 158 ff., 150 × 111 mm, 2 col., 30 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Latin script: Gothic). | Provenance: Abbey of Ramsey in England. Radiciotti hypothesised that the manuscript comes from France. | Owners: Gregory of Huntingdon (13th c.), monk at the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey  According to Radiciotti (1998: 70), Gregory of Huntingdon was in contact with John of Basingstoke (archdeacon of Leicester), who knew Greek and belonged to the circle of the scholar Robert Grosseteste, Matthew Parker († 1575), Archbishop.
Psalms and Odes (in Latin and Greek). | A Latin-Greek Psalter written in Latin script and in two columns. The Latin Psalter transmits the Gallicanum version. The first folios of the manuscript contain several Latin texts related to prognostics, proverbs and nature. James (1912: 399) dated the manuscript to the 15th c.Text-type: L.
IvA diagram and several signs indicating numerals These signs were brought from Greece by John of Basingstoke, see James (1912: 399)
IIrOld shelfmark
IIv–IIIvExplanatory notes on Greek prepositions
IVr–IVvFragment from Genesis 1, inc. “in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram”.
V–VIvMiscellaneous verses
VIIrPrognostics from Esdras
VIIv–VIIIrVerses on trees
VIIIr–XrPrognostics of thunder
XrProverbial sayings
XbSermo ad hominem
1r–6vCalendar of the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey
10r–147vPs 1-151
147v–148rIsaiah 12:1-6 (with several variants)
148r–148vOde 11
148v–149vOde 3
149v–151rOde 1
151r–152rOde 4
152v–155vOde 2
155v–156vOde 8:57-88
156v–157rOde 7
157r–157vOde 9:46-55
157vOde 13
157v–158rThe Lord’s Prayer in Latin (Pater Noster) and the Greek text in Latin script (Pater imon).
158r–158vSymbolum Apostolorum in Latin and the Greek text in Latin script (Pisteuo).
158vLitany of saints
Berschin, W.: Griechisch–Lateinisches Mittelalter, Von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues, München 1980, 296, 320.
Delle Donne, S.: “Il codice greco Corpus Christi College 486 di Cambridge: contenuto, organizzazione testuale e legami con l’Italia Meridionale”, Revue d'histoire des textes 9 (2014), 375–393, 375 (n. 1). 
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell’ alto medioevo”, H. Fillitz and O. Kresten, Römische historische Mitteilungen. Band 40, Wien 1998, 49–118, 70.
Rahlfs, A.: Der Text des Septuaginta–Psalters, Göttingen 1907, 25, 103 (Siglum: Cambr468). 
James, M. R.: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, vol. II, Cambridge 1912, 399–403 (He cites Psalm 2). 
Nasmith, J.: Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum quos Collegio Corporis Christi et B. Mariae Virginis in Academia Cantabrigiensi, Cantabrigiae 1777, 421 (He cites part of the Psalm 1). 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 38.