Ra 147
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 30. No diktyon: 48251.
s. XII/2; s. XVI
Hutter: s. XIII/1
| Parchment (ff. 1r–401v); Paper (ff. 402r–411v), 411 ff., 280 × 205
1–2 col.
part 1: 1 col., part 2 & 3: 2 cols., var. lines per page
part 1: 40–42 lines; part 2: 30–42 lines.
| Minuscule (“Epsilon-style”).
| Scribe:
2 scribes.
| Provenance: Donated to the Bodleian Library by Archbishop William Laud in 1640.
| Owners:
μητροπολίτης Ῥιζαίου Ἰωαχείμ
RGK III, 260e,
William Laud (1573–1645).
Cat. in Prov.; Cat. in Eccl.; Cat. in Cant.; Cat. in Iob; XII proph.; Is.; Thr.; Ep. Ier.; Ez.; Dan.
| Manuscript in three parts with miniatures. Ra 147 is closely related to Ra 62. Regarding their textual character, both manuscripts form a faithful pair (“treues Paar”, see Ziegler, Duodecim prophetae, 74). They presuppose a codex archetypus that was written in majuscule (cf. Ziegler, l.c.). In the case of Isaiah, Ziegler lists common erroneous special readings (Ziegler, Isaias, 75). The dependence of both witnesses (Ra 62 and Ra 147) on a common Vorlage is probable; dependence on each other is, in my opinion, excluded (see also Lowden, Prophet Books, 40). While the textual character of Ra 147 (and Ra 62) in the case of Dodekapropheton and Isaiah is more or less Lucianic, the textual character in the case of Ezekiel and Daniel (θ′) stands out, inasmuch as both witnesses attest to a hexaplaric text. For Ezekiel, Ra 62-147 plus Ra 407 form the hexaplaric subgroup (o-group), and Ra 62 (partly alone, partly in connection with Ra 147) attests to around 800 special readings that go back to Aquila (see Ziegler, Ezechiel, 35). For Daniel, Ra V plus Ra 62-147 form the main hexaplaric group (O-group), and Ra 62-147 attest to around 90 readings that form a plus according to MT and go back to Aquila (see Ziegler, Daniel, 144).
| Collation: LXXGö. HoP, v. Praef. ad Iob et Eccl. Field Dan.; Coll. of Am.: W.O.E. Oesterley, Studies in the Greek and Latin versions of the book of Amos (1902), pp. 25–61, cf. pp. 9–15, 17–19
| Text-type: lI (XII proph.; Is.).
Canart, P.: Les écritures livresques chypriotes du milieu du XIe siècle au milieu du XIIIe et le style palestino–chypriote "epsilon", in: id. (ed.): Études de paléographie et de codicologie. Reproduites avec la collaboration de M. L. Agati et M. d'Agostino vol. 1 (StT 450), Vatican City 2008, 677–747, 711 [51].
Lowden, J.H.: Illuminated Prophet Books. A Study of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Major and Minor Prophets, University Park/London 1988, 25–26, 40, figs. 38–54.
Takiguchi, M.: “The Prophet Book”, in: Tsamakda, V. (ed.): A Companion to Byzantine Illustrated Manuscripts vol. 2 (Brill's Companion to the Byzantine World 2), Leiden et al. 2017, 246–257, 249–250.
Faulhaber, M.: Hohelied–, Proverbien– und Prediger–Catenen. Untersucht (Theologische Studien der Leo–Gesellschaft 4), Wien 1902, 40–41, 111, 149–150.
Hutter, I. (ed.): Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturenhandschriften vol. 3.1, Oxford, Bodleian Library III. Textband (Denkmäler der Buchkunst 5/1), Stuttgart 1982, 87–90 (Nr. 54).
Karo, G./Lietzmann, H.: Catenarum Graecarum Catalogus, Göttingen 1902, 301, 311, 314, 322.
Gentry, P.J. (ed.): Ecclesiastes (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XI/2), Göttingen 2019, 4, 63–65 (Ra 147, C).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Duodecim prophetae (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XIII), Göttingen 31984, 9, 70, 74 (Ra 147, lI).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Ezechiel. Mit einem Nachtrag von D. Fraenkel (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XVI/1), Göttingen 42015, 8, 32, 34–36 (Ra 147, o).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Iob (Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XI,4), Göttingen 1982, 10, 128–129 (Ra 147, C).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Isaias (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XIV), Göttingen 31983, 8, 73, 74–75 (Ra 147, lI).
Ziegler, J. (ed.): Jeremias, Baruch, Threni, Epistula Jeremiae (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XV), Göttingen 32006, 8 (Ra 147).
Ziegler, J./Munnich, O. (eds.): Susanna. Daniel. Bel et Draco (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XVI/2), Göttingen 21999, 122, 142–145 (Ra 147, O).
Online Sources
Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries