Ra 1434
Mt. Athos, Διονυσίου, 65 (Lambros 3599; Nunc 0063). No diktyon: 20033.
a. 1312 (ca.), according to Rahlfs
| Parchment, 244 ff., 190 × 130
1 col.
| Minuscule (Archaizing hand of the early Palaiologian period) ff. 14-201, 203-223.
| Scribe:
Σἀββας μοναχὸς κόλπου Νικομηδείας κώμης οὐ μικρᾶς Μάνου λιμένος ὃν τοῦ Καλαθᾶ πάντες έπωνομάζουν f. 244v.
The codex is composed of several parts. The subscription on f. 244v possibly belongs only to the last codicological unit. The Easter tables on f. 242r begin with 1313, but they are based on shaving, so they are probably not original and therefore cannot be used for dating.
Aliprantis, Th. Chr.: Moses auf dem Berge Sinai. Die Ikonographie der Berufung des Moses und des Empfangs der Gesetzestafeln, München 1986, 131.
Anderson, J.: The New York Cruciform Lectionary, University Park 1992, 71 with n. 17.
Babić, G.: Kraljeva crkva u Studenici, Belgrad 1987, 196 with n. 34.
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Brockh. H.:H. Brockhaus, Die Kunst in den Athos–Klöstern, Leipzig 1891, 174 n. 1, 235, 236, n. 1, 290.
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Dahm, Ch./Bernhard, L.: Athos. Berg der Verklärung, Burda–Verlag 1959, 203.
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Dufrenne, S.: Les illustrations du psautier d’Utrecht. Sources et apport carolingien, Paris 1978 (Association des publications près les universités de Strasbourg, fasc. 161), 34, n. 66.
Džurova, A.: Tomičov Psaltir (Monumenta Slavico–Byzantina et mediaevalia Europensia 1), Sofia 1990, 25, 27, 58, 64, 76, 92–93, 102.
Džurova, A.: V sveta na răkopisite, Sofia 2007, 193.
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Hennessy, C.: Images of Children in Byzantium, Farnham 2008, 70 with n. 93, 133 with n. 74, 134 with image 4.10 and T. 1.
Hunger, H.: Schreiben und Lesen in Byzanz. Die byzantinische Buchkultur, München 1989, 51 with n. 25 on p. 148 (14th c).
Kadas, Sot. N.: Τὰ σημειώματα τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Μονῆς Διονυσίου Ἁγίου Ὄρους, Hagion Oros 1996, 14–15.
Kadas, Sot.: Τὰ εἰκονογραφημένα χειρόγραφα τοῦ Ἁγίου Ὄρους. Α. Κατάλογος μικρογραφιῶν. Β. Εἰκονογραφικὸ εὑρετήριο (Βυζαντινὰ Μνημεῖα 15), Thessalonike 2008, 156–157.
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Kepetzi, V.: “Empereur, piété et rémission des péchés dans deux ekphraseis byzantines. Image et rhétorique”, Δελτίον τῆς Χριστιανικῆς καὶ Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας Δ´/20 (1998), 231–244, 241 with n. 51 and Image 6 on p. 242.
Kitzinger, E.: I mosaici di Santa Maria dell’Ammiraglio a Palermo. Con un capitolo sull’architettura della chiesa di S. Ćurčić (Monumenti 3 = DOS 27), Palermo – Washington D. C. 1990, 207 with n. 422.
Kozak, N.: Obraz i vlada. Knjaži portreti i mistectvi Kiivs’koi Rusi XI st, Lemberg 2007, 85 with n. 373.
Lazarev, V.: Storia della pittura bizantina, Torino 1967 (Biblioteca di storia dell’arte, 7), 113 (a. 1313/48).
Lowden, J.: “Manuscript Illumination in Byzantium, 1261–1557”, in Byzantium, Faith and Power (1261–1557), ed. Evans, H., New York 2004, 259–293, 263 with n. 30 on p. 601.
Maraba–Chatzenikolau, A./Tufexe–Paschu, Ch.: Κατάλογος μικρογραφιῶν βυζαντινῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Βιβλιοθήκης τῆς Ἑλλάδος. Τόμος Β´. Χειρόγραφα Καινῆς Διαθήκης, ιγ´–ιε´ αἰῶνας, Athens 1985, II 88 with n. 15, 91.
Meesters, R./ Praet, R./ Bernard, F./ Demoen, K.: “Makarios’ cycle of epigrams on the Psalms Bodleian Baroccianus 194”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109 (2016), 837–860.
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Nelson, R. S.: “Theoktistos and Associates in twelfth–century Constantinopel: an illustrated New Testament of A. D. 1133”, The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 15 (1987), 1–58, 21 and n. 91, 22 and n. 99, 23 and n. 100 [= id., Later Byzantine Painting, V];.
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Parpulov, G.R.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, ca. 850–1350 AD, Plovdiv 2014, 62 and n. 66, 63 and n. 74, 107 and n. 29, 111 and n. 53, 138 and n. 17, 141 and n. 4, 163, 172, 216 and n. 1, 217 and n. 2, 220 and n. 12, 221 and n. 13, Appendix B1 (Nr. 41–42).
Patterson Ševčenko, N.: “Close Encounters: Contact between Holy Figures and the Faithful as represented in Byzantine works of Art”, in Byzance et les images. Cycle de conférences organisé au musée du Louvre par le Service culturel du 5 octobre au 7 décembre 1992, ed. A. Guillou/J. Durand, Paris 1994, 257–285, 279 and 281 with image 17 on p. 279.
Patterson Ševčenko, N.: The Celebration of the Saints in Byzantine Art and Liturgy, Farnham 2013, IX.
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