Ra 1210
Valenciennes, Bibliothèque de Valenciennes, 14 (other nr.: 7, old nr: B.1.37). No diktyon: 64531.
s. XII
| Parchment, 176 ff., 509 × 345
mm 510 × 360 (Rahlfs),
4 col., 48 lines per page.
Minuscule (Latin minuscule).
| Provenance: Saint-Amand Abbey (France).
Psalterium Quadruplex: Psalms and Odes.
| Leroquais (1940-1941: 254) dates the manuscript between 1145 and 1153. It consists of four columns: the first three columns contain the so-called Gallicanum, Romanum and Hebraicum by Jerome and the fourth one transmits the Graecum, which is a Greek version of the Psalms written in Latin script. According to Delisle, the manuscript is an apograph of the Psalterium Quadruplex from Tournai. Both manuscripts are related to the famous Bamberg Psalter, see Rahlfs (1907: 24).
| Text-type: Ga, L.
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell’alto medioevo”, in H. Fillitz and O. Kresten, Römische historische Mitteilungen. Band 40, Wien 1998, 49–118, 69.
Rahlfs, A.: Der Text des Septuaginta Psalters, Göttingen 1907, 23–24.
Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France. Départements 25 (1894), 197–198.
Gryson, R.: Manuscrits vieux latins: répertoire descriptif, II, Freiburg 2004, 52–53.
Leroquais V. C.: Les psautiers manuscrits latins des bibliothèques publiques de France, Tome II, Mâcon 1940–1941, 254–257.
Online sources
- Catalogue de manuscrits enluminés (Initiale) Digital Images
- Catalogue collectif de France (ccfr) Description
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