
Ra 1143

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Nouvelles acquisitions latines (NAL) 2195.
1105 | Parchment, 119 ff., 375 × 285 mm, 4 col., 50 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Latin minuscule). | Patron: Abbot Odo of Tournai (1092–1105)  cf. the possession note on ff. 118v–119r. | Provenance: Monastery of Saint Martin in Tournai (Belgium).
Psalterium Quadruplex: Psalms and Odes. | The manuscript consists of four columns: the first three columns contain the so-called Gallicanum, Romanum and Hebraicum by Jerome and the fourth one transmits the Graecum, which is a Greek version of the Psalms written in Latin script. It has the same style as the oldest Psalterium Quadruplex, Bamberg Psalter. Cf. Essen, Archiv der Münsterpfarre, Domschatz, Hs. 4.Text-type: Ga, L.
1vPreface to the Psalms, tit. Incipit origo prophetiae David regis psalmorum numero centum quinquaginta
1v–7rEpistles of Jerome to Paula and Eustochius, to Sophronios, to Sunnias and Fretela, and to Marcella.
7rA fragment of Origen on the Psalms inc. sepe (sic) inq(ui)rens causas cur in q(ui)busda(m) psalmis int(er)ponatur diapsalma
8v–108rPs 1–151
108r–108vBook of Isaiah 12 (12:5-6 om.). Is. 12:1 (εὐλογήσω σε] exomologisome si) The second and the third columns are vacant
108v–109rOde 11
109r–109vOde 3
110r–111rOde 1
111r–112rOde 4
112r–114vOde 2
114v–115vOde 8:57-88 The third column is vacant
115vOde 9 (Prayer of Zachariah). The third column is vacant
116rOde 9 (Prayer of the Holy Virgin) and the Ode 13 The third column is vacant
116vThe Latin, the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets (the Greek and the Hebrew letters are similar to the Latin ones). The Lord’s Prayer in Latin (Pater Noster) and the Greek text in Latin script (Pater imon). The Symbolum Apostolicum in Latin and the Greek text in Latin script (Pisteuo)
117rThe hymn Te Deum laudamus and a Greek translation of it in Latin characters
117v–118vLitany of the saints
118v–119rPossession note
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Mearns, J.: The Canticles of the Christian Church, Eastern and Western, in early and medieval times, Cambridge 1914, 22. 
Radiciotti, P.: “Manoscritti digrafici grecolatini e latinogreci nell’alto medioevo”, in H. Fillitz and O. Kresten, Römische historische Mitteilungen. Band 40, Wien 1998, 69.
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Delisle, L.: Mélanges de paléographie et de bibliographie, Paris 1880, 150–154. 
Leroquais V. C.: Les Psautiers manuscrits latins des bibliothèques publiques de France, Tome II, Mâcon 1940–1941, 142–143. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 214.