
Ra 1062

London, British Library, Add. 47674 (Olim: Holkham Hall, Library of the Earl of Leicester, 22). No diktyon: 39238.
s. XIII/1 | Parchment, 142 ff., 280 × 200 mm, 2 col.  One column in Greek and another in Latin., 32 lines per page. |  Minuscule (The Greek text is written in an archaizing hand and the Latin one in Gothic minuscule). | Provenance: France, Paris (?).  see Gamba (2016: 315)Owners: Pietro da Montagnana (d. 1476)  Paduan humanist, Thomas Coke (1697-1759) purchased the manuscript in 1717 from the monastery of San Giovanni di Verdara in Padua.
Psalms and Odes with parallel Latin text (illuminated). | According to Gamba (2016: 315), the manuscript was produced in Paris around the year 1230, and it was illustrated by the artist who made the illustrations of the Albenga Psalter. Rahlfs instead dated the manuscript to the 12th century. The codex is beautifully decorated with red and blue initials, colourful borders and several historiated initials, which mostly depict scenes of David’s life. The Greek text contains many misspellings, which indicate that the anonymous scribe did not know well Greek. There are several marginal annotations and corrections by Pietro da Montagnana.Text-type: L.
1vFragment by Nicholas of Lyra, tit.: “Nicolaus de Lyra de provintia (sic.) franciae de ordine minorum in commentariis suis super psalmos loquitur in hunc modum”
2r–130vPs 1-150
131r–131vOde 11
131v–132rOde 3
132r–133vOde 1
133v–134vOde 4
134v–137rOde 2
137v–138rOde 8:57-88. des.: “Εὐλογοῦμεν πατέρα καὶ υἱὸν σὺν ἁγίω πνεύματι. ὑμνοῦμεν καὶ ὑπερυψοῦμεν αὐτὸν εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας:. Εὐλογημένος εἰ κύριε ἐν τῶ στερεώματι τοῦ οὐρανοῦ. καὶ ὑπερύμνειτος καὶ δεδοξασμένος καὶ ὑπερυψούμενος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας”
138r–139rOde 7
139rOde 9:46-55
139r–139vOde 13
139vOde 14
139v–140rThe Nicean Creed
140vPs 151 by a later later hand
141rHebrew alphabet
142vLatin note dated to 1478, which states that Pietro da Montagnana donated this manuscript to the monastery of S. Giovanni di Verdara in Padua
Gamba, E.,: Pietro da Montagnana: La vita, gli studi, la biblioteca di un uomo trilinguis, P.h.D thesis, Padova 2016, 315–317. 
Pattie, T. S. and S. Mckendrick: The British Library Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, vol. I, London 1999, 264.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 79. 
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