
Ra 1050

Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Conv. Soppr. 35. No diktyon: 15798.
s. XI–XII, XV  s. XI–XII: ff. 3r–242v; s. XV: ff. 1r–2r | Paper (ff. I–VII, I'); Parchment (ff. VIII–X, 1–242)  Two bifolia from a Latin manuscript, written on two columns, were used to make the VIII and IX flyleaf., 242 ff., 95 × 79 mm, 1/4 col.  1 col.: ff. 1r–237v; 4 col.: f. 238r–v, 15/19 lines per page  19 lines per page: ff. 1r–2v; 15 lines per page: ff. 3r–237v. |  Minuscule (Stile ricercato ff. 1r–2r; Minuscule (Stile di Reggio ff. 3r–242v. Cf. Baldi, Sulla storia, 370; Minuscule (Beneventana ff. 192r–v, 215v. Cf. Baldi, Sulla storia, 370–371. | Provenance: Calabria. The provenance from Calabria would be confirmed by a certain decoration type “en réserve” visible on ff. 97r, 193r. In the 13th century the manuscript was in South-Eastern Italy. Here has been added the text written in "Beneventana" of the ff. 192r-v, 215v. After the death of Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli (1424) his manuscripts were first inherited by his friend Jacopo Niccolò de’ Corbizzi and then passed to the Badia Fiorentina. Here the Corbinelli’s manuscripts were marked with the initials "A.C.". Between 1808 and 1809 the Library of the Badia Fiorentina was confiscated and all the manuscripts passed to the Laurenziana.  cf. Baldi, Sulla storia, 370–372Owner: Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli ( ca. 1370–1425)  Florentine humanist. Cf. Blum, R.: La biblioteca della Badia fiorentina e i codici di Antonio Corbinelli, Città del Vaticano 1951; Rollo, A.: “Sulle tracce di Antonio Corbinelli”, Studi medievali e umanistici 2 (2004), pp. 25-95; Baldi, Sulla storia, p. 371. The initials of Antonio di Tommaso Corbinelli (A. C.) are visibles on ff. VIIIr, 242r–v.
Psalms and Odes. | This manuscript is a small-format Greek psalter that presents the Psalms, divided into καθίσματα and δόξαι, and the Odes. There are marginal annotations and glosses in Greek and Latin (by a later hands). The initials are decorated and rubricated and two decorative friezes are visible on folios 97r 1 and 193r.Text-type: L.
1r–188v Ps 1–150
189r Ps 151
192r–v Symbolum Apostolorum (in Latin) Follows f. 215v. Rostagno/Festa, Indice, 141
193r–194v Od 1
195r–199r Od 2
199r–200r Od 3
200v–202r Od 4
202v–203v Od 5
203v–204r Od 6
204v–207v Od 7
207v–208v Od 8
208v–210r Od 9 Od 10 not extant
210r–210v Od 11 210v, Od 11:18b. After f. 210r the manuscript has lost a bifolium. This loss is not considered by the modern numbering
211r Od 13
211r–212r Od 14 desinit: Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός, Ἅγιος Ἰσχυρός, Ἅγιος Ἀθάνατος,
ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς
212r–237r Preces christianae et hymni varii Rostagno/Festa, Indice, 141
215v Symbolum Apostolorum (in Latin) Bottom margin: “Cetera sequuntur pag. 192”
238r Index of the Psalms in Latin
238v List of Greek numbers written in Greek and Latin
Baldi, D.: “Sulla storia di alcuni codici italogreci della Biblioteca Laurenziana”, Νέα Ῥώμη 4 (2007), 357–381, 370–372.
Crostini, B.: “Perils of Travel or Joys of Heaven? Reconsidering the Traveling Hypothesis for Bodleian Library, MS E. D. Clarke 15 and the Function of Diminutive Manuscripts”, Manuscripta 63 (2019), 63–104, 78 nr. 35.
Weyl Carr, A.: “Diminutive Byzantine Manuscripts”, Codices manuscripti 6 (1980), 130–161, 150.
de Montfaucon , B.: Diarium Italicum Sive Monumentorum Veterum, Bibliothecarum Musæorum, &c. Notitiæ singulares in Itinerario Italico collectæ, Parisi 1702.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1914 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), 63. 
Rostagno, E., – Festa, N.: “Indice dei codici greci Laurenziani non compresi nel catalogo del Bandini”, Studi italiani di filologia classica 1 (1893), 129–232, 141.