Ra 1038
Kraków, Jagiellonian Library, Berolinensis gr. Oct. 8. No diktyon: 9270.
s. X-XI
ff. 121-122, 208: later integrations s. XIV (?)
| Paper (ff.121-122, 208); Parchment, 260 ff.
f. 120 and 139 have been numbered twice, 113 × 86
mm Binding size: 116 × 95; Ruling type: V00D1 (text area: 60 x 45 mm),
1 col., 14 lines per page.
| Minuscule (“Bouletée”).
| Provenance: “Ex Bibl. Regia Berolin.” (ff. 1r, 258r). The manuscript comes from a Greek island and was bought in Paris in 1880.
Greek Psalter; Typika.
| Original binding except for the front cover (modern). The titles are rubricated, and the scholia are in dark red ink. Some of the marginal notes contain figurative schemes (i.e. a cross: ff.36r, 234v; a scale: f. 27r; an arch with three arrows: f. 28r; a Pyle: f. 29r; a medallion: f. 173r). The initials of each Psalm are decorated, and some of them have small portraits. There are some marginal illuminations. The manuscript is in a poor state of conservation: it is defective at the beginning and end; it has lost some leaves, and most of the remaining ones are in disarray (see content) or detached from the binding; sometimes, the margins seem to have been damaged by fire; some leaves have lost their outer margin (i.e. ff. 154, 194, 254, 258). On f. 52v, the ink of the marginal decoration has corroded the parchment leaving a hole (outer upper margin), while on f. 53r, someone has cut out the scheme/decoration in the lower margin.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–223v | Ps 32:12b-151 with lacunae |
224r–v | Od 1:13a-19c |
225r–v | Od 1:1a-12b |
226r–233v | Od 2:1a-43d |
234r–235r | Od 3:4b-10n |
235v–239r | Od 4 |
239–241v | Od 5 |
241v–242v | Od 6 |
243r–248r | Od 7 |
248v–251v | Od 8 |
251v–253v | Od 9:46a-76b |
254r–v | Od 12:1c-7a |
255r–v | Od 12:7b-15a |
256r | Od 12:15a-13:31 |
256v | Od 13:32-14:10d |
256v–257v | Od 14:10e-35a |
258r–v | Typika |
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 29.
Studemund, W./Cohn, L./de Boor, C.: Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Vol. I et II, Codices ex bibliotheca Meermanniana Phillippici graeci nunc Berolinenses, I–II, Die Handschriften–Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin 1890, 1897, Vol. II (1897), 222–23 (no. 384).