
Ra T

Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, RP 1 (olim C 84). No diktyon: 72797.
GA Number: l 1348, Trismegistos ID: 62255, LDAB IDs: 3415; 62255.
s. VII  s. VII: Rahlfs and Fraenkel | Parchment (purple parchment), 223 ff. + 5 fragm., 219 × 158 mm, 1 col., 20 lines per page. |  Majuscule.
Zürcher Purpurpsalter, Codex Turicensis, Psalterium purpureum. | Precious manuscript on purple parchment, written in silver ink (text), gold ink (titles), and cinnabar ink (initia). According to Rahlfs, Psalmi, 11, the manuscript was restored in Rome under the supervision of Giovanni Cardinal Mercati. Today stored as individual bifolia in separate folders. The manuscript is written in stichoi and contains: Ps. 25,3–7; Ps. 26,1–30,1; Ps. 36,20–41,6; Ps. 43,3–58,14; Ps. 59,6–8; Ps. 59,10–13; Ps. 60,1–64,12; Ps. 71,4–92,3; Ps. 93,7–96,12; Ps. 97,8–150,6; Ps. 151; Hymnus VI-XIV. Each verse is accompanied in the outer margin by the beginning of the Latin version, namely the Psalterium Gallicanum. The orthography provides many vocal changes in cases of verbal endings. | Collation: LXXGot; HoP (siglum 262); Lagarde, Quinqu. (siglum T) | Text-type: L. one of the oldest witnesses of the L-text in case of the Greek Psalter, together with Ra Z
1–223Ps. 25:3–151 (with many lacunae); Od. 3; 9 (part 1); 11–12; 7–9 (part 2); 13–14 see Fraenkel, 445–446
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Online sources