Ra S
London, British Library, Add. 43725. No diktyon: 39225.
Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Gr. 1. No diktyon: 38316.
St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Ф. № 906 (Gr.) 2. No diktyon: 57069.
ibid., Ф. № 906 (Gr.) 259. No diktyon: 57331.
ibid., Ф. № 906 (Gr.) 843. No diktyon: 57913.
ibid., Ф. № 536, Оп. 1. ОЛДП, Oct. 156. No diktyon: 57946.
Sinai, St. Catherine's Monastery, ΜΓ 1. No diktyon: 61039.
s. IV
| Parchment, 407 ff.
347 ff. in London; 43 ff. in Leipzig; 12 ff. + 14 fragments on Mt. Sinai;, 381 × 355
mm the format differs: 381 × 336–355 mm,
2, 4 col.
| Majuscule (Biblical Majuscule).
| Provenance: Probably Caesarea, Palestine. On the provenance of Codex Sinaiticus see Fraenkel, 202–203. The main arguments for an origin in Caesarea are two scribal oversights in the New Testament part of the manuscript, namely: (1) Matth. 13:54: εἰς τὴν πατρίδα, v.l. εἰς τὴν Ἀντιπατρίδα Codex Sinaiticus; referring to the town Antipatris, 45 km south of Caesarea. (2) Act. 8:5 Σαμαρείας, v.l. Καισαρείας Codex Sinaiticus. The manuscript was probably first bound in the 6th century. Skeat therefore assumes that the manuscript did not leave the scriptorium during the first two centuries. Fraenkel assumes that the manuscript was brought to St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai right after its foundation (between 548 and 565 AD). The history of the discovery of Codex Sinaiticus in May 1844 by Konstantin Tischendorf.
Codex Sinaiticus. Pandect of the Greek Bible (OT and NT).
| On the discovery of Codex Sinaiticus see Fraenkel, 203–204.
| Collation: LXXGot
| Text-type: varying text-type.
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Online Sources
The Codex Sinaiticus Project
colour images, transcriptions
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