Ra 9202
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. gr. 44. No diktyon: 65777.
a. 898; s. XIII ex.
a. 898 (ff. 1-8, 26-245; scribal colophon on f. 245v); s. XIII ex. (ff. 9-17)
| Parchment, 239 ff.
numbered 1-17, 26-245, 227 × 175
1 col., 30 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Psalm text) ff. 1-8, 26-245;
Majuscule (commentary) ff. 1-8, 26-245;
Minuscule (“Fettaugen-Mode”) ff. 9-17.
| Scribe:
Λέων ταβουλάριος Μονοβασίας PmbZ 24346; scribal colophon (f. 245v).
Hesychius of Jerusalem, Commentary on the Psalms (CPG 6552).
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–245v | Ps 1-150 with commentary |