
Ra 9076 (olim 1216)

Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, gr. Z. 19 (coll. 363). No diktyon: 69490.
s. XI–XII  According to Gardthausen, the script is dated to the 11th century and imitates an older majuscule. | Parchment; Paper, 320 ff., 330 × 230 mm, 1 col., 30-35 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Informal); Minuscule (Perlschrift The biblical text of the Psalms (e.g., f. 3r), and the Odes (e.g., f. 290r).. | Provenance: Unknown. | Owner: Βησσαρίων  f. 1, bottom margin: “locus 5. Psalterium expositum p(er) Theodoritum b(essarionis) Car.Tusculanj”.
1r-3r. | The manuscript has lost its last pages. There are a few marginal notes (ff. 3r-v, 8r, 65r, 109r) and some marginal glosses in Greek. The beginning of the Psalms and Odes is always indicated by a decorative element placed next to the number of the Psalm or the Ode. The biblical text is written in distinctive handwriting: in some cases, it is Perlschrift (e.g., ff. 3r, 290r); in other cases, it imitates the Maiuscola ogivale (e.g. ff. 27r, 63r). Ff. 47 and 48 have been heavily trimmed.Text-type: L.
3r–289v Theodoretus, Interpretatio in Psalmos CPG 6202
290r–320v Catena on the Odes CPG C46
290r Od 1
320v Od 8:87a
1r–3r Theodoretus, Praefatio PG 80, 857-865
3r–289v Theodoretus, Interpretatio in Psalmos CPG 6202
[Anton Maria Zanetti, Antonio Bongiovanni], Graeca D. Marci Bibliotheca codicum manu scriptorum per titulos digesta, Venetiis, Apud Simonem Occhi Bibliopolam, 1740, 19. 
Mioni, E.: Bibliothecae Diui Marci Venetiarum codices graeci manuscripti, I: Thesaurus Antiquus. Codices 1–299 (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali. Indici e Cataloghi, Nuova Serie VI), Roma 1981, 33–34.
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 308.