
Ra 9075

Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, gr. II. 184 (coll. 1179). No diktyon: 70354.
s. X; s. XIII  ff. 1–6: s. XIII; ff. 7–436: s. X de Montfaucon; s. XI in. Mioni | Paper (f. 1r); Parchment (f. 2; ff. 7–436); Palimpsest (f. 1v; ff. 2–6), 439 ff.  unnumbered folia after ff. 52, 305, 306, 210 × 152 mm, 1 col., 27 lines per page. |  Minuscule (minuscola antica main text, commentary; Majuscule (Auszeichnungsschrift biblical text; Minuscule (with tachygraphic abbreviations)  Protheoria–1:18; scholia. | Provenance: Zan Carlo Grimani (1648–1714) maintained his Venetian library at Santa Maria Formosa, which was visited by Bernard de Montfaucon on 7 August 1698. The collection comprised approximately twenty Greek manuscripts, nearly all of which originated from the Barbaro family. Following Grimani’s death, part of the collection passed to Apostolo Zeno, while another portion was acquired by the monastery of San Michele di Murano. Between 1714 and 1736, the monastery obtained a group of manuscripts from Grimani’s collection, formerly belonging to the Barbaro family. A second acquisition from the same source took place in 1747, following an interim during which the manuscripts were held by Gerardo Sagredo. The monastery’s library was ultimately dispersed after 1810. However, the manuscript Ra 9075 had already been transferred to Paris in 1797, during Napoleon’s conquest of Venice. In 1816, it was returned to Venice, becoming part of the Biblioteca Marciana collection. | Owners: Bibliotheca Grimana  cf. de Montfaucon, p. 478, Bibliotheca S. Michaelis  N° 242, cf. Mioni, p. 112, Bibliotheque nationale de France  1797–1816, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana  since 1816.
Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Interpretatio in Psalmos (CPG 6202). | Folios 2–6 were supplemented in the 13th century using palimpsested parchment. The commentary on Psalms 1–43 (primarily spanning ff. 7v–99v, with only occasional annotations on later folios, such as ff. 102r, 103r–v, 113v, 122v, 124r, 125v, and 144r) is enriched by marginal scholia. These scholia, dated to the 13th century, incorporate patristic material from Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril, John Chrysostom, Eusebius, Didymus, and Hesychius. | Collation: Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters
f. 1r empty paper leaf
ff. 1v short tractate on the Psalter inc. Ψαλτήριον, ὄργανον, παρ’ ἑβραίοις ναύλη καλεῖται
f. 2r–6v Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Interpretatio in Psalmos, Protheoria–1:18 expl. Μηδεὶς δὲ ἄνδρα μόνον (PG 868)
ff. 7r–436v Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Interpretatio in Psalmos 1:18–150:31 (fin. mut.) inc. ὁρῶν ἐνταῦθα μακαριζόμενον; expl. θεωροῦμεν τὰ πράγματα, like in Ra 9046 (olim 1120)
Vendruscolo, F.: “Per la biblioteca di Francesco ed Ermolao Barbaro: cinquant’anni dopo”, in: C. Brockmann, D. Deckers, D. Harlfinger, S. Valente (eds.): Griechisch–byzantinische Handschriftenforschung. Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege, Berlin et al. 2020, pp. 101–128, 125.
de Montfaucon, B.: Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscriptorum nova. Ubi, quae innumeris pene manuscriptorum bibliothecas continentur, ad quodvis literaturae genus spectantia & notatu digna, describuntur & indicantur vol. 1, Paris 1739, 478.
Mioni, E.: Bibliothecae Divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti vol. 1, Pars altera, classis II, Codd. 121–198 – classes III, IV, V (Indici e Cataloghi, Nuova Serie VI), Rome 1972, 112–113.