Ra 9052
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Coislin 80. No diktyon: 49224.
s. XI-XII: ff. 007v-431r; s. XIII: ff. 001r-004v, 432r-435v (cf. Parpulov); s. XIV: ff. 005r-v (cf. Canart; Devreesse)
| Parchment, 435 ff, 360 × 260
mm cf. Parpulov,
ff. 001r-004v, 432r-435v: 2; ff. 005r-431r: 1 col., ff. 001r-004v, 432r-435v: 28; ff. 005r-431r: 30 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Archaizing minuscule 13th century (ff. 001r-004v, 432r-435v)) cf. Parpulov;
Minuscule (Epsilon Style, 14th century (f. 005r-v)) cf. Canart;
Minuscule (Perlschrift (006r-431r)) cf. Parpulov.
| Provenance: Cyprus.
ff. 001r-004v, 432r-435v
| Owner:
Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Νεοφύτου του Εγκλείστου.
Catena on Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret.
| The manuscript is composed of two parts, both in parchment. The first part is more recent and contains some parts of the Vita et conversatio Gregorii episcopi agrigentini by Niceta David Paphlagonius. The second part, which is also the main one, is older, probably from the 11th century contains a catena on Interpretatio in Psalmos by Theodoret of Cyrrhus. Different hands work on it. Folio 005r-v is written by a hand from a 14th-century Cypriot hand.
Canart, P.: “Les écritures livresques chypriotes du milieu du XIe siècle au milieu du XIIIe et le style palestino–chypriote ‘epsilon’ ”, Scrittura e civiltà 5 (1981), 17–76 (25 [n. 9]).
Darrouzès, J.: “Les manuscrits originaires de Chypre à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris”, Revue d’études byzantines 8 (1950), 162–196.
Kinzig, W.: In search of Asterius: studies in the authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms (Forschungen zur Kirchen– und Dogmengeschichte, 47), Göttingen 1990.
Richard, M.: Asterii Sophistae Commentariorum in Psalmos quae supersunt. Accedunt aliquot homiliae anonymae (Symbolae Osloenses, Suppl. 16), Oslo 1956.
Browning, R. – Costantinides, C.: Dated Greek Manuscripts from Cyprus to the year 1570 (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, 30), Washington DC – Nicosia 1993.
Devreesse, R.: Catalogue des manuscrits grecs. 2, Le fonds Coislin, Paris 1945, 70–71.
Ehrhard, E.: Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhundert, in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Leipzig 1937–1952, vol. II, 460.
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, Plovdiv 2014, Appendix B1.
Online Sources