
Ra 9051 (olim 1141)

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 843. No diktyon: 50430.
s. XI | Parchment, 351 ff., 270 × 190 mm, 1 col., 31 lines per page. | Minuscule (Perlschrift)  ff. 1r-341v. | Provenance: In 1730, the manuscript was brought from Constantinople to Paris by the intermediation of the philologist François Sevin (1682-1741), see Omont (1902: 517) and Albrecht (2018: 25).
Theodoretus’ Commentary on the Psalms, Catena on the Odes, and Catena on the book of Job. | The Catena on the Odes and the Catena on Job are not fully preserved. Some of their folios contain in the margins variants and other scholia. One folio after f. 243v and two folios after f. 327v have been cut off.Text-type: B with influence of L.
1r–324v Theodoretus’ Commentary on the Psalms CPG 6202; PG 80, 857-1997
325r–341v Catena on the Odes CPG C46. The Catena slightly differs at the beginning from the edition. Its end is missing. The same Catena occurs in cod. Ra_1142 (Par. gr. 844). Ed. Corderius (1646: 853-962)
342r–351v Catena on the book of Job. The beginning and the end are missing. Ed. Hagedorn/Hagedorn (1994: 318, 19f.)
Albrecht, F., Psalmi Salomonis (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum XII/3), Göttingen 2018, 25f., note 3.
Corderius, B., Expositio Patrum graecorum in Psalmos, III, Antwerp 1646, 853–962.
Hagedorn U./Hagedorn, D, Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob, Band I, Berlin–New York 1994, 318f.
Omont, H., “Missions archéologiques françaises en Orient aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles’’, Collection de documents inédits sur l'Histoire de France Partie 1, Paris 1902, 517. 
Omont, H., “Missions archéologiques françaises en Orient aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles’’, Collection de documents inédits sur l'Histoire de France Partie 2, Paris 1902, 1106. 
Omont, H., Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale et des autres bibliothèques de Paris et des Départements, Paris 1886, 158. 
Rahlfs, A., Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 208.