
Ra 9049

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 1051 (olim Colbert 4232; olim Regius 23354). No diktyon: 50645.
s. IX: 0IIIv-385v; s. XVII: ff. 00Ir-0IIIv | Parchment, 385 ff., 1 col., 28 lines per page. | Minuscule (Calligraphic minuscola antiqua Text; Majuscule (Maiuscola ogivale Title. | Owners: Jean-Baptiste Colbert  1619-1683, Jean-Baptiste Colbert marquis of Seignelay  1683-1690, Jacques-Nicolas Colbert bishop of Rouen  1690-1707, Charles-Eléonor Colbert marquis of Seignalay  1707- February 1732, Royal library in Paris  11-12 September 1732 - nowadays.
Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus. | The manuscript is quite well preserved. The first quires are misbound. One of the front flyleaves contains the first verses of Psalm 145. Part of the Protheoriais had in the first folios, awfully trimmed.Text-type: B and L.
Ir–IIIr Blank
IIIv In Ps 145:4b
IVr–v Blank
1r Protheoria In Psalmos PG 80, 861 D4 - 864 D1
1v Protheoria in Psalmos PG 80, 865 A1 - B5
2r–4v In Ps 1
5r–6v In Ps 2:8
6v–7v In Ps 3:1-8
8r–v In Ps 4:7-9
8v In Ps 5:1
9r In Ps 3:9; In Ps 4:1, 4:9; In Ps 3:3-4; In Ps 4:3-4a
9v In Ps 4:2
10r In Ps 1:4-5
10v In Ps 1:6; In Ps 2:1
11r–13r In Ps 5:2-13
13v–95v In Ps 6-34
96r–97r In Ps 35:7-13
142v Blank
143r–223v In Ps 51-77
223v–224v In Ps 78:1-8a PG 80, 1508 A1-15
225r–227r In Ps 82:2-19 PG 80, 1532 B2 - 1537 B9
227r–355v In Ps 83-126
356r–v In Ps 127:1-6a PG 80, 1892 - 1896 C9
357r In Ps 128:8 lines 1-8: PG 80, 1897 D6 - 1900 A6
357r–385r In Ps 129-144
Ceulemans, R.,: Theodoret and the Antiochene text of the Psalms, in XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, W. Kraus, M. Meiser and M. N. Van der Meer (eds.), SBL.SCSt 64, Atalanta (2016), 146–164.
Darrouzès, J.: “Les manuscrits originaires de Chypre à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris” , Revue des études byzantines 8 (1950), 162–196.
Omont, H.: Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecques de la Bibliotèque Nationale et des autre bibliotèques de Paris et de Departments, II, Alphons Picard, Paris (1902).