
Ra 9048

Oxford, Magdalen College, Ms. 6 (olim 164). No diktyon: 48699.
s. XVI/2  s. XVI: ff. 1r–493v; flyleaves: s. XVIII (?), cf. Sosower-Wilson, p. 18 | Paper (As Sosower-Wilson indicate, it is possible to recognize four different types of watermarks, all in an ancre form, which consent to date the paper between 1561 and 1590), 493 ff., 297 × 225 mm, 1 col., 27 lines per page. | Minuscule (Scholarly hands). | Scribes: Ἰωάννης ἀναγνώστης Μαλαξός ff. 1r–493v. On Malaxos, see RGK I 170 (p. 198), Ἀνδρέας Δαρμάριος f. 1r; f. 491v. On Darmarios, see RGK I, 13–26; VGH, 17–27. | Provenance: Rome. | Owner: 1561–1600 (?)  Ἀνδρέας Δαρμάριος.
Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus (CPG 6202). | The manuscript contains the entire Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret, except for the last lines of the commentary on Psalm 150. The title on f. 1r is a false one, attributed to the text by Andreas Darmarios. Darmarios also wrote the doxology on f. 491v. The rest of the commentary is written by Iohannes Malaxos. The paper of the manuscript is the same as of the Ottob. gr. 90, written by Manuel Malaxos, brother and collaborator of Iohannes. Manuel also copied the same text on Vat. gr. 1232 (Ra 1789) for Antonio Carafa. Titles and biblical lemmata are in red ink, the rest of the text is in dark-brown ink. | Text-type: L.
ff. 1r–491v Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Protheoria – Ps 150 PG 80, 867–1997 B5; with additions by Darmarios (see scribes): (f. 1r) Euthymius in Psalmos; (f. 491v) τῷ πατρὶ δόξα πρέπει σὺν τῷ ἁγίῳ πνεύματι εἰc τοὺc αἰῶναc, ἀμήν
Di Gregorio, G., Il copista greco Manuel Malaxos; studio biografico e paleografico–codicologico (Littera Antiqua 8), Città del Vaticano 1991.
Coxe, H., Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae. Pars Prima recensionem Codicum Graecorum continens, Oxford 1853.
Mošin, V. A., Anchor watermarks (Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae, vol. XIII), Hilversum 1973, 1665.
Sosower, M. L., Signa officinarum chartariarum in codicibus graecis saeculo sexto decimo fabricatis in bibliothecis hispaniae, Amsterdam 2004, 162, 164.
Sosower, M. L. – Wilson, N., A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts of Magdalen College, Oxford, Cambridge Massachussets 2016, 18–19.