Ra 9039 (olim 1693)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 527. No diktyon: 44976.
s. XV
| Paper, 483 ff., 210 × 150
1 col., 16–22 lines per page
16 lines: ff. 1r–448v; 22 lines: ff. 449r–474v.
| Minuscule.
| Provenance: This manuscript may have been part of the collection purchased by the city of Augsburg in Venice from Ἀντώνιος Ἔπαρχος (1491–1571) during the 1540s. It was already referenced in the Augsburg catalogue of 1575. The manuscript was subsequently transferred to Munich in 1806.
Cf. Brigitte Mondrain’s discussion on the challenges in identifying all manuscripts purchased from Venice: “Le catalogue de vente d'Augsbourg n’offre donc pas l’état définitif du lot au moment où il fut effectivement vendu” (B. Mondrain: “Antoine Eparque et Augsbourg. Le catalogue de vente des manuscrits grecs acquis par la ville d’empire”, in: BBGG 47 [1993], 227–243, here: 243).
Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Interpretatio in Psalmos (CPG 6202); Catena to the Odes (CPG C45–46).
| Collation: Schulze (“cod. 2”); Große-Brauckmann (“2”)
Ceulemans, Reinhart: “Theodoret and the Antiochene text of the Psalms”, in: W. Kraus, M. Meiser and M. N. Van der Meer (eds.): XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (SBL.SCSt 64), Atlanta 2016, 149–164, 154 n. 26; 158; 161.
Tivelli, Eva: “Teodoreto ritrovato. Il codice Berlin, graec. 4°. 38”, in: BBGG 20 (2023), 165–200, 167 n. 13; 175 n. 56.
Hardt, Ign.: Catalogus codicum manoscriptorum Graecorum Bibliotheca Regia Bavaricae vol. 5 (codd. 473–580), Munich 1812, 517–518 (Nr. 527).
Hoeschel, David: Catalogus graecorum codicum qui sunt in bibl. reip. Augustanae Vindelicae, Augsburg 1595 (Nr. 71).
Schulze, Joh. Lud.: B. Theodoreti episcopi Cyri opera omnia ex recensione Iacobi Sirmondi denuo edidit […] vol. 1–3, Halle 1769, vol. I, 601–1586 (cod. 2; 2).
Online Sources
Gr. 527