Ra 9012
Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS 3641 (Mezzofanti 28). No diktyon: 9768.
s. XV: ff. 1r–8v, cf. Olivieri; s. XVI (?): ff. Ir–IIIv, ff. 9r–10v, cf. Briquet
| Paper, 12, 294 × 210
1 col., 38 lines per page.
| Minuscule (Scholarly hand).
Excerpta from the Commentary on the Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus (CPG 6202) with catena.
| The manuscript, although quite fragmentary, is in fine condition. Composed entirely of paper, it features clearly discernible watermarks on folios I, II, III, and 9. It contains Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ Commentary on the Psalms. The text is articulated in two colors: dark brown for the commentary and red ink for the tituli and the majuscule letters, either in the lemma or at the commencement of a sentence. The inaugural letter of each commentary section is embellished with geometric decorations. In the manuscript’s margins, there are attributions to other church fathers, realised in red ink. Acquired by Giuseppe Gasparo Mezzofanti in the early 19th century, this manuscript is now part of the University Library of Bologna’s collection.
| Text-type: L (?).
Content | |
ff. 1r–2r | in Ps 29:5a–29:13b |
ff. 2r–4r | in Ps 30 |
ff. 4r–5v | in Ps 31 |
ff. 5v–7v | in Ps 32 |
ff. 7v–8v | in Ps 33:1a–33:15b |
Bellesheim, A., Giuseppe Cardinal Mezzofanti. Ein Lebensbild, Würzburg, 1880.
Manavit, A., Esquisse historique sur le Cardinal Mezzofanti, Paris, 1853.
Marchesani, S., La Chiesa di Bologna e Giuseppe Mezzofanti, professore e bibliotecario. Nuovi documenti, in Teca 10/2 (2020).
Bonifazi, F., Catalogo della libreria dell’eminentissimo Cardinal Mezzofanti, Roma, 1851.
Mezzofanti, G. G., Catalogo dei codici greci.
Olivieri, A., Indice dei codici greci bolognesi, in Studi italiani di filologia classica 3 (1895).