
Ra 9002

Athens, National Library of Greece, 4. No diktyon: 2300.
s. X | Paper (ff. Iv–IIIv, I’r–fIII’r); Parchment (ff. 1r–107v), 107 ff., 240 × 170 mm  cf. Parpulov, 2 col., 39 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Early Minuscule).
Commentary on Psalms by Theodoret of Cyrrhus. | The manuscript is fragmentary. The text of psalms is placed in the centre of the page, surrounded by Theodoret’s extended Commentary on Psalms in the margins. Some folios have been heavily trimmed, where the text of the Psalms is. Some folios are completed with festal troparia by a latter hand, according to Parpulov. | Text-type: L.
1r–12vPs 70:17b-75:13a
13r–76vPs 76:11b-104:33b
77r–83vPs 106:8b-108:23b
84r–91vPs 104:34a-106:8a
92r–107vPs 108:24a-118:45b
Dorival, G.: La postérité littéraire des chaînes exégétiques grecques, Revue des études Byzantines 43 (1985), 209–226, 214–215. 
Parpulov, G.: Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters, Plovdiv 2014, Appendix B1. 
Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 2), Berlin 1914, 5. 
Sakkelion, J.: Κατάλογος των χειρογράφων της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης της Ελλάδος, Athens 1856, 1.