
Ra 7113

Washington, Museum of the Bible, SIG.MS.000141. No diktyon: 77755.
s. XI | Parchment, 320 ff., 214 × 170 mm, 1 col.  with commentary in the margins, 17 lines per page. |  Minuscule (Perlschrift). | Provenance: The manuscript seems to come from a monastery under Georgian influence. Perhaps from the Monastery of Bachkovo (Georgian პეტრიწონის მონასტერი, Bulgarian Бачковски манастир) in Bulgaria, since the date of Mary of Alania becoming a nun is explicitly mentioned in the manuscript (f. 320v). Mary had a close relation to Bachkovo Monastery; but also to the Monastery of Iviron on Mount Athos.  On Mary’s support of Iviron Monastery, see Garland/Rapp, Mary, 114–115Owner: Γερβασίου προηγουμένου τοῦ Τραπεζουντίου  f. 1r.
Psalms and Odes. | A note on Mary of Alania (1053–1118) added by a hand different from that of the scribe, records the date when the empress became a nun. It is dated to the 9th March 1086 (f. 320v). A Georgian marginal note in cursive script on the bottom of f. 254r reads: ოლნ ოლნ (= უფალმან უფალმან) ჩემ წმ(მან?).Text-type: L.
1r–289v Ps 1–151
290r–314v Ode 1–9
314v–319r Ode 11–12
319r–320v Ode 14
Garland, L./Rapp, S.: Mary ‚of Alania‘. Woman and Empress Between Two Worlds, in: Garland, L. (ed.): Byzantine Women. Varieties of Experience AD 800–1200, London 2006, 91–124.