
Ra 7034

Meteora, Ἱερὰ Μονὴ Μεταμορφώσεως, 176. No diktyon: 41587.
s. XV-XVΙ/2 | Paper, 199 ff., 158 × 215 mm, 1 col., 18 lines per page. | Minuscule (large-sized minuscule). | Scribe: Two scribes: scribe a (ff. 3r-40v, 83r, 179v-187v) ; scribe b (ff. 41r-41v, 83v-100r, 188r-199r).
Psalms and Odes. | The foliation is wrong. Enlarged decorated initials in red ink. Folios 41r-41v, 83v-100r, 188r-199r derive from another manuscript and restore the missing text, but there are still some lacunae. Autopsy of the manuscript in January 2023. We are grateful to the Metamorfoseos Monastery for granting us access to the manuscript. | Text-type: L.
1r–2v Scribblings and drawings of male figures
3r–184v Ps 1–151 with lacunae
184v–186r Ode 1
186r–189r Ode 2
189r–190r Ode 3
190v–192r Ode 4
192r–193r Ode 5
194r–196r Ode 7
196r–198v Daniel 3:46-51 and Ode 8
198v–199r Ode 9:46a-71b
Vees, A./ Vranousis, L./ Sophianos, D.: Τὰ χειρόγραφα τῶν Μετεώρων: κατάλογος περιγραφικὸς τῶν χειρογράφων κωδίκων τῶν ἀποκειμένων εἰς τὰς μονὰς τῶν Μετεώρων: τόμος Α´, τὰ χειρόγραφα τῆς μονῆς Μεταμορφώσεως (Μετέωρον), Athens 1998, 203–204.