Ra 7021
Meteora, Ἱερὰ Μονὴ Βαρλαάμ, 40. No diktyon: 40935.
s. XV
| Paper, 259 ff., 90 × 145
1 col., 18 lines per page.
| Scribes:
scribe a
ff. 1r-8v,
scribe b
ff. 9r-186v, 188r-210v, 212r-242v, 244r-259v,
scribe c
ff. 187r-v, 211r-v, 243r.
Psalms and Odes.
| Enlarged decorated initials, which are characterised by a dimensional metallic style. Three different scribes. The titles and the initials are rubricated. We are grateful to the monastic community of the Varlaam Monastery for providing us access to the manuscript images.
| Text-type: L.
Vees, A.: Τα χειρόγραφα των Μετεώρων: κατάλογος περιγραφικὸς των χειρογράφων κωδίκων τῶν ἀποκειμένων εἰς τὰς μονὰς τῶν Μετεώρων: τόμος Β´ τα χειρόγραφα τῆς μονῆς Βαρλαάμ, Athens 1984, 49–50.
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