Ra 68
| Parchment, 441 ff., 395 × 275
1 col., 55–56 lines per page.
| Minuscule.
| Scribes:
Γεώργιος Τζαγγαρόπουλος ff. 1–295, attr. Harlfinger; cf. PLP 27624; RGK I, 72; RGK II, 93; RGK III, 121,
“anonymus Δ Τ” ff. 295–441, attr. Harlfinger.
Cardinal Bessarion
PLP 2707.
| Provenance: Rome.
| Owners:
Cardinal Bessarion
PLP 2707,
Complete Bible.
| According to Fernández Marcos, this manuscript is an apograph of Ra 731. C. Jesus identifies it as a source of the Complutensian Polyglot.
| Text-type: L.
Content | |
1r–100v | Oct. |
100v–147v | Reg. I-IV |
147v–170r | Par. I-II |
170v–229v | IV Proph. |
230r–254r | XII Proph. |
254r–263r | Iob |
263r–286r | Ps 1-150 |
286r–294v | Prov. |
294v–297r | Eccl. |
297r–298r | Cant. |
299r–312v | Esdr. I-II |
312v–316r | Est. |
316r–320r | Sap. |
320r–331r | Sir. |
331r–336v | Idt. |
336v–339v | Tob. |
339v–360v | Mac I-III |
361r–v | blank |
362r–441r | N.T. |
Farnes, A. T.: Simply Come Copying: Direct Copies as Test Cases in the Quest for Scribal Habits, Tübingen 2019, 124–165.
Fernández Marcos, N.: “Greek Sources of the Complutensian Polyglot,” in: N. De Lange (ed.), Jewish Reception of Greek Bible Versions, Tübingen 2009, 302–315, 303–304.
Fernández Marcos, N.: “Un manuscrito complutense redivivo: Ms. griego 442 = Villa–Amil 22”, in: Sefarad: revista de estudios hebraicos, sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo 65 (2005), 65–83, 66, 68.
Harlfinger, D.: Specimina griechischer Kopisten der Renaissance, I, Berlin 1974, cat. 58–59.
Mioni, E.: Bibliothecae Divi Marci Venetiarum codices Graeci manuscripti, I.1, Rome 1981, 9–10.