Ra 661
Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. gr. 431B. No diktyon: 66163.
s. X
cf. Kresten 2010, esp. 17–20; 28: “tra il 955 ed il 975”
| Parchment, 15 ff., 310 × 10460
mm since 1902, divided into 15 leaves, each 310 × 430/900 mm
| Majuscule (cf. Kresten 2010, 30: “La maiuscola imitata quasi pedissequamente dal Maestro del Rotolo di Giosuè, la quale non corrisponde a nessuna delle maiuscole distintive adoperate nel secolo X, si richiama in maniera sorprendente a quel canone della scrittura maiuscola, in uso nella tarda Antichità, definito come «maiuscola biblica» […].”).
| Scribe:
Basileios (καλλιγράφος καὶ μοναχός) cf. Kresten 2010, esp. 18–20.
| Provenance: Formerly part of the Bibliotheca Palatina in Heidelberg, Germany. Brought to Rome in 1622, part of the Palatina collection of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana since 1623.
Joshua Roll.
| Images on the theme of Joshua, accompanied by selected paraphrased excerpts (with lacunae or fenestrae) from the Septuagint of Joshua. Written between 955 and 975 CE by the monk and calligrapher Basileios, who also copied Codd. Vat. Ross. 169 (a. 961), Laur. Plut. IX 22 (a. 974), and Kosinitza 16 (a. 976), of which 5 ff. are preserved as Cod. Bruxell. II 2404. According to Otto Kresten, the scribe and the artist responsible for the illustration endeavoured to reproduce their Vorlage faithfully, cf. Kresten 2010, pp. 23f. In Kresten’s opinion, this late Antique Vorlage was also a volumen (ibid., 27 & 31), which can probably be dated to around 500 CE (ibid. 31). This Vorlage was rediscovered around 950 CE, but was badly damaged due to its great age (ibid. 53 & 55); consequently a kind of facsimile was produced between 955–975 CE (ibid. 55). In 1902, the 10.46 metre long roll was divided into 15 leaves. For older secondary literature, see Canart/Peri, p. 286, and Rahlfs in his description.
Content | |
1r–15v | images and explanatory text relating to LXX Joshua |
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Rahlfs, A.: Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta–Unternehmens der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2), Berlin 1914, 244.
Stevenson, E.: Codices manuscripti Palatini Graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae descripti praeside I. B. Cardinali Pitra episcopo Portuensi S. R. E. bibliotecario, Rome 1885, 279.